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December 26, 2016

Those, mostly in Japan, who expected that the two leaders would, at one stroke, resolve the decades-old territorial dispute, were disappointed. In another disappointment, Putin politely declined to bathe with Abe in Nagato’s famed hot springs, subtly signaling that Russia-Japan relations have not yet matured sufficiently for such an intimacy to…

December 20, 2016

Unafraid, Bi-partisan; Uphold U.S. and Freedom
If the Battle for Mosul is any indication, the overwhelming force now being used against ISIS will not be a knockout punch.  As in Aleppo, it may give the west only a Phyrrhic victory.
We can have all the firepower in the world, but they have several great advantages we lack. First…

December 19, 2016

On December 1, Abishur Prakash launched a groundbreaking new book called “Next Geopolitics: The Future of World Affairs (Technology).” It looks at how new technologies like robotics, embryo editing, and food cloning will transform world affairs. Russia is featured multiple times in the book for its advances in artificial intelligence and…

December 19, 2016

After the adoption of UN Security Council Resolutions 2270 of March 2, 2016 and 2321 of November 30, 2016, there appear many assumptions about North Korean collapse in near future. Experts in the West consider this collapse as probable and even very close. 
Supposedly, the economic hardships from sanctions will cause social unrest and…

December 18, 2016

Donald Trump will make amends with the CIA once his handpicked director, Mike Pompeo, takes over the intelligence agency.
Until then, Trump’s reported aversion to CIA security briefings will only intensify, following publication of a CIA assessment that Russia meddled in Trump’s favor during the election campaign by hacking Democratic…

December 17, 2016

The story of how Russia won the (First) Russo-American Cyberwar because American President Barack Obama did not fight back and failed to protect America’s democracy from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s well-orchestrated, wide-ranging cyberassault, part of Russia’s wider war on Western democracy

By Brian E…

December 9, 2016

It is now fair to say that the case of Syria and Ukraine clearly exposed fallacy of thinking that US, and in broader sense the West, relations with Russia have improved in any shape or form since the end of the Cold War era, as we are currently witnessing significant moment in the human history when these very ties have plunged to levels unseen since…

December 9, 2016

If your taste is for political satire, you will find a veritable banquet in Alexander J. Motyl's, "Vovochka; The True Confessions of Vladimir Putin's Best Friend and Confidant," written with tongue-in-cheek and in an original new voice. There is one caveat.
Professor Motyl, who teaches at Rutgers University in Newark…

December 4, 2016

At the four nation "BRIC" summit in Ykaterinburg in 2009 the group buzzed up an ambitious agenda that moved the Sorosistas and other predatory speculators to take profits by betting against the dollar.
These items included the need for a new reserve currency to countervail the dollar, launching a collective economic security…

December 1, 2016

Since the dawn of Pakistan as a nation-state the Army has played a magnificent role in convening the foreign policy objective of the country, its function revitalized from the time when cold war between American and Soviet Union began and USSR occupied Afghanistan, Pakistan became the number one strategic ally of American in South Asia. The Pentagon…

November 30, 2016

  Unafraid, Bi-Partisan, Uphold U.S. and Freedom
                                       Unafraid, Bi-partisan, Uphold U.S. and Freedom
Engaged in the longest wars in our history in Afghanistan, Iraq, the still unresolved…

November 29, 2016

National independences must remain divide geographically only. Not civilizational divide contains basic differences. And if there are lessons can be learned from historical developments in terms of the problematic relationship between religion and the state in the forefront of these lessons include: Linking religion in the hands of the…

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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