The ELN undoubtedly has all three components of true leadership. It has a
clear vision of a Europe it would like to see, it is committed to its
noble mission, and it has been very successful in engaging new members
and partners.
Leadership, in my view, is mostly about three interconnected things. First, it is about vision. A true leader should be in a position to rise above immediate problems, concerns and ambitions and to conceptualise challenges and opportunities, which are only looming on our horizon. A vision of things to come is a fundamental component of any leadership. Second, leadership is about commitment. You cannot lead if you cannot focus on your goals and put aside numerous distractions that inevitably appear on your way. A true leader should have the ability to distinguish between what is important and what is not; they should have a clear understanding of their priorities and sequences. Third, leadership is about motivation. To lead, you need to be in a position to motivate and incentivise others who can join you in your mission. A lone leader is a contradiction in terms.
The European Leadership Network undoubtedly has all three components of true leadership. It has a clear vision of a Europe it would like to see, it is committed to its noble mission, and it has been very successful in engaging new members and partners. I am sure that the next ten years of ELN will be even more inspiring and fruitful than its first.
Source: ELN.