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Amidst the development of Internet technologies and the economic downturn, more and more media are going online and becoming web-based. Does this trend testify to the decline of print media? Natalya Gandurina, Vice President of ARTCOM Media Group (Forbes, L'Officiel, OK!, GEO) shared with RIAC Website Editor Maria Smekalova her views on why print magazines continue to sell, what should be published on the Internet, and why we need ratings.

Amidst the development of Internet technologies and the economic downturn, more and more media are going online and becoming web-based. Does this trend testify to the decline of print media? Natalya Gandurina, Vice President of ARTCOM Media Group (Forbes, L'Officiel, OK!, GEO) shared with RIAC Website Editor Maria Smekalova her views on why print magazines continue to sell, what should be published on the Internet, and why we need ratings.

Against the backdrop of a deceleration in economic growth, and due to the spread of advanced technology, print media are facing an acute crisis. Is it possible to counteract this trend, and is it any use trying?

Unfortunately, the crisis of the print media is an unpleasant fact. The Internet is attracting more and more readers, while circulations of printed magazines are declining. Three or four years ago we faced a quite a serious decline, but now the situation has somewhat improved. In any case, the drop has stopped. There has been a lot of speculation that the book could disappear, as well as the theatre, but they are still there. The same is true for print media. I believe that the magazine will always find its reader, because it has a certain emotional component that the Internet is devoid of and, accordingly, cannot convey to people. Despite the serious decline in circulation, I believe that this cutback should stop. If the indicators remain at current levels, it will be good.

What approach are you practicing in the digital sphere? Is there a separate strategy for content sales in the network? Does the work with the sites involve some degree of specificity, or do these sites only duplicate the printed version?

The magazine will always find its reader, because it has a certain emotional component that the Internet is devoid of and, accordingly, cannot convey to people.

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The site is a separate product that has its own specific features. The content prepared for the print media is often reviewed for websites. Let me give you some examples to illustrate this. It’s difficult to read long texts, the so-called longreads on websites, as readers expect to receive information in a concise manner. That is why a visual scanning appears to be indispensable. It is important that in terms of volume, the material on the site is significantly larger than that for the printed version. Therefore, almost every publishing house has special editorial units staffed by younger employees. Work with sites requires a different approach and a fresh eye. Today, all major publishing brands have not only their own websites, but accounts in social networks and Ipad versions as well. As the world evolves, every magazine brand that made it big has become multiplatform and incorporated multimedia.

Do you think that the paywall format can be used effectively in Russian online media?

I’ve heard that some respected editions make money on it, but as for me, I don’t think much of this approach. When I come across such sites as a reader, I leave them right away. It seems to me that the Internet is, primarily, a story for the masses. I find it hard to comment on this point, since I have no firsthand experience with paywalls, but I am an ardent supporter of free content on the Internet.

Could you say a few words about the dynamics of the readers’ interest in business and entertainment media, if there is any? Does the political and economic situation in the country exert influence on demand?

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If we compare subject matters, I believe that the business press is eternal. The economy develops, something is happening every day, and apart from being in the flow of the events, people want to understand their nature and possible consequences. This segment is stable and will develop, as well as the entertainment one; people love to read about celebrities, pour over their colorful pictures, and marvel at good living. Both of these areas have their readers and, importantly, their advertisers. The audience will always be interested in business topics, fashion, stars and cars. Sector-specific topics like golf, for example, gain traction. The growth in supply depends on demand, demand is generated by interest, and the range of interests is widening all the time.

How wide is the room for maneuver in the media sphere? How does the public react to changes?

I believe that introducing changes is a must: keeping up readers’ interest requires hogging the limelight through novelty of content, subjects, authors or design solutions. As for the Internet, it is necessary to use all the technologies that it offers, be it image galleries or polls. In fact, the Russian audience is quite receptive; we have not only grateful readers, but imaginative editors too, who often have a creatively different view of life.

The growth in supply depends on demand, demand is generated by interest, and the range of interests is widening all the time.

Does your publishing house carry out social or educational projects?

We intend to launch an educational project “School for young journalists and editors.” Our holding was established recently, and we are now actively occupied in educational programs for employees. We plan to create special courses or a school for potential employees.

The Russian audience is quite receptive; we have not only grateful readers, but imaginative editors too, who often have a creatively different view of life.

What is your attitude towards various types of ratings? Representatives of the Russian authorities and media often point out that, due to political bias, Europeans are far from being impartial when drawing up their rankings, and we should create our own rating scale.

I love rankings. In my opinion, it is the right competitive thing, which lets you know the true value of your accomplishments, and makes you move forward. Then, our reality is specific enough and necessitates making corrections for many things. I have not seen Russian rankings yet, and I would love to see what they look like. In this respect, the National Rating Agency project appears to be quite interesting.

Now special attention is being paid to fact checking, and many editorial offices even hire additional staff for this purpose. How important is data verification in your publications?

It depends on the edition, but for such magazines as Forbes verifying information has the top priority. There exists a special system of proofreading: several editors read the same text, and then special people once again double-check the facts. The reliability of the information has a profound impact on the reputation of the publication. The famous American Buzzfeed is a typical representative of entertainment media. The editors of this resource do not check any facts; moreover, they ask to report mistakes if the latter are found. In addition, by doing so, they attract audiences. This is a kind of Wikipedia for the mass media world, as nobody knows who and how verifies Wikipedia’s data. It must be admitted that in recent years there has appeared a new trend, namely the emergence of the media that enjoy a low level of trust. It's a shame, because volumes of information on the Internet are so huge that it is impossible to understand what facts could bу taken for granted. As to me, I favor the old school and have more confidence in the media that have built up a well-deserved reputation. The digital nature of content notwithstanding, they still attach great importance to the system of checking the facts, which is still there.

What books do you read? Are they mostly of professional nature or classic works of literature that you like to reread?

I like to read biographies of successful people most of all. It seems to me that such books are an excellent inspiration to achieve new goals.

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