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Rich Berdan

Freelance writer, based in Detroit, MI, U.S.A.

The Democrats and their supporters in the news media have been relentless in their attempts to prevent President Donald Trump from being re-elected to a second term in what one could describe as a coup d’etat to overthrow the president in the Russian collusion rouse. The President’s handling of the coronavirus and a hopeful faltering economy seemed to be the next natural catalyst to pin down Trump. However, a much bigger storyline to blame the President for the racial divide following the horrible killing of George Floyd will now take precedent over previous narratives to sink the current resident of the White House.

Joe Biden, the Democrat front runner nominee for president, ‘Never-Trump Republicans’ and Washington insiders, celebrities and duplicitous media outlets, and far-left Antifa and Black Lives Matter constituents are coalescing to graft a political narrative of racism into the general election.

Privileged political opportunists will use the death of George Floyd and the distressed victims of the riots and looting as leverage of anarchy and national discord to rid America of a leader unable to cope and unify the country. The plan is being hatched. Generating ongoing chaos and endless demonstrations will see a tiring electorate seek a new path and leader to pull them from an abyss and unify the country from imploding. One can only surmise what it will mean for The Constitution and law and order.

Inner circle advisors will pull the strings of a feeble Joe Biden in numerous directions on the racism narrative that will likely see him stumble in his own mud. Biden is no more than a regurgitated President Lyndon Johnson, doubling down on a subversive strategy to own the African American vote in a subdued state of reliance on big government programs.

What we observe is natural polarization in one’s familiar habitat within their community hub. If the White demonstrator against racism wanted to really make a difference, they might just decide to move their family into a less homogenous area of their city to assimilate the distinct cultures and flatten the crime and poverty curve facing African Americans.

While the death of George Floyd is horrific, there is no justification to mourn the victim by rioting, looting, and destroying property and jobs in their own neighborhoods. It will, however, become clearer that Floyd’s tragic death will become an opportunistic chaotic catalyst for Joe Biden and the Democrats to point to President Trump as the racist in the White House. Thus, they will seek to maintain their decades long subversive liberal strategy to lock up black votes in Democrat strongholds that will further divide America in streets of mayhem and have nots.

Many Americans, both black and white, may have had no intention to vote for Donald Trump. However, everyone should compare what Joe Biden represents and has achieved in his decades of service for people of colour with what the current President has actually accomplished for African Americans in the past three years.

The Democrats and their supporters in the news media have been relentless in their attempts to prevent President Donald Trump from being re-elected to a second term in what one could describe as a coup d’etat to overthrow the president in the Russian collusion rouse. The President’s handling of the coronavirus and a hopeful faltering economy seemed to be the next natural catalyst to pin down Trump. However, a much bigger storyline to blame the President for the racial divide following the horrible killing of George Floyd will now take precedent over previous narratives to sink the current resident of the White House.

Joe Biden, the Democrat front runner nominee for president, ‘Never-Trump Republicans’ and Washington insiders, celebrities and duplicitous media outlets, and far-left Antifa and Black Lives Matter constituents are coalescing to graft a political narrative of racism into the general election.

Privileged political opportunists will use the death of George Floyd and the distressed victims of the riots and looting as leverage of anarchy and national discord to rid America of a leader unable to cope and unify the country. The plan is being hatched. Generating ongoing chaos and endless demonstrations will see a tiring electorate seek a new path and leader to pull them from an abyss and unify the country from imploding. One can only surmise what it will mean for The Constitution and law and order.

Inner circle advisors will pull the strings of a feeble Joe Biden in numerous directions on the racism narrative that will likely see him stumble in his own mud. Biden is no more than a regurgitated President Lyndon Johnson doubling down on a subversive strategy to own the African American vote in a subdued state of reliance on big government programs.

In the 1950s, President Eisenhower, a Republican, desegregated the US military and promoted civil rights for minorities as he drove through the Civil Rights Act of 1957. One of Eisenhower's primary political opponents on civil rights prior to 1957 was Lyndon Johnson, the Democratic Senate Majority Leader prior to becoming President. Johnson has a clear record of voting as a straight segregationist until he changed his position and supported the 1957 Act. The historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses. In the Congress, 80 percent of the Republicans and 63 percent of the Democrats voted in favor. In the Senate, 82 percent of the Republicans and 69 percent of the Democrats voted for it.

Understanding Democrats may be on the wrong side of history with the vote of people of color in generations to come. The contrived strategy shifted the political landscape from a Democrat Party of historical and explicit racism to sedition where African Americans were to become dependent on government to secure their votes. Anyone who opposed the socialist dependency were tarnished as greedy extremists with little to no empathy for the downtrodden; rather than defenders of a free market economy, smaller government, and making America great.

With a stranglehold on power slipping away with the black vote going to the Republicans, the Party of Lincoln and civil rights initiatives, former Democrat President Lyndon Johnson cemented the subversive strategy when he uttered rather controversial words about the status of African Americans and their new awareness of their rights.

Biden, himself, carries similar baggage whether in his past or more recent events. During an interview on May 22nd, Biden’s statement was no “uncle Joe” gaffe when he said African Americans “ain’t black” if they back President Trump for president. This was disgusting and racist towards African Americans who voted for Trump. This is clearly the definition of white privilege by telling people of color how to vote.

The Violent Crime and Law Enforcement bill that Biden championed as a member of the Senate, proudly self-proclaimed as the “1994 Biden Crime Bill”, contained measures such as “three strikes and you are out” component requiring life sentences without parole.

The legislation allocated $8.7 billion to states to build mega prisons and even more money if states ramped up penalties. More than a 100,000 new police officers were placed in the streets to make it happen. The bill fueled the prison boom with a 43% increase in prisons to fill the beds.

When President Bill Clinton left office, the US had the world’s highest incarceration rate, with a spike in imprisonment of black citizens accounting for the vast majority. Biden’s bill hit the African American community hardest, creating a declining social order that left children fatherless, mothers struggling, and perpetual poverty. Unfortunately, the entire leadership of the Democrat Congressional Black Caucus was corralled to support the bill, despite their attempts to rewrite history on its passage.

On the other hand, President Trump has a very different record with the African American community in just three years of political experience. First, his Administration has launched a full investigation into the death of the Minnesota man, George Floyd. Trump reinforced that justice means enforcing the law fairly, whether you are a bad cop or rioter hurting people in the streets – “no act of violence can ever be tolerated”.

Trump took meaningful action in 2018 that has a real impact on African Americans following his comments when he said, “Justice means ensuring every citizen has a real shot at the American Dream from job creation to criminal justice reform.” Trump signed into law the First Step Act that enacts reforms to make justice system fairer and helps inmates successfully transition into society. Specifically, the Act provided the opportunity for sentencing relief for defendants who received mandatory minimum sentences – some of whom were locked up under the Biden incarceration bill.

“This legislation reformed sentencing laws that have wrongly and disproportionately harmed the African-American community”, Trump said of the First Step Act in the 2019 Sate of the Union address.

This was followed by the Trump Administration promoting “second-chance hiring” with the ambitious goal to cut the unemployment for formerly incarcerated individuals to single digits. It is African Americans who will benefit the most from his plan.

Aside from reforming the justice system, Trump has focused on safety in black communities. Both the violent crime rate and the murder rate have fallen for two consecutive years under his presidency. Murders have subsequently fallen in American major cities by more than 10%. Trump said, “We have to value the life of every American no matter your color, your ethnicity, or socio-economic background.” A major contributing factor has been Trump’s America first economy where unemployment among African Americans prior to the pandemic was the lowest in America’s history.

Knowing these actions were not enough, the President has focused on the education of African American students. His Administration provided more funding for colleges and universities with predominantly African American students than any other president in history. This included $1 billion dollars in relief for these schools and other minority-serving institutions.

These actions targeting African Americans by President Trump in just three years in the White House far exceed the accomplishments of former President Obama’s eight years in office. The anti-Trump media has ignored these achievements and failed the American people in their reporting.

President Trump has sought to overcome this fabled and twisted dogmatic crux facing the Republican Party by credibly explaining the Democrat’s reverse racism based on the premise that African Americans are incapable of competing and excelling in a free market on a level playing field. The Democrat Party has successfully manipulated and segregated the black voting block by engineering a socially oppressed second class citizenry that is beholden to a white supremacy for their welfare.

Looking back, the Republican Party was founded principally to oppose slavery, and Republicans in due course abolished slavery. The Democrat Party opposed them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican backing and only 23% Democrat support in congress.

The 14th Amendment, giving full citizenship to freed slaves, passed in 1868 with 94% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress. The 15th Amendment, giving freed slaves the right to vote, passed in 1870 with 100% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress. The backlash was horrific with the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, predominantly an arm of the Southern Democrat Party. Its calling was to terrify freed slaves and Republicans who empathized with them. What followed was an unhinged mob of executioners lynching people of color in the backwoods of America.

The Death of George Floyd is just as much a failure of Democrat liberalism platforms where the bulk of the rioting, looting, burning down of businesses took place in Democrat run cities and far from the relative destruction in Republican dominated cities where civility and order is more prominently enforced and valued by their leaders. It was Democrat Governors who called in the National Guard to quell the demonstrators in their states and not Donald Trump.

Yet, the media has concluded that Trump is responsible for the rioting and violence. Based on some of the TV coverage, you would think Trump had disrespected the memory of George Floyd. We have heard a steady drumbeat of lies, distortions, and disingenuousness reporting from the mainstream media about Trump as it relates to the unrest gripping American cities.

A CNN political analyst said that Trump’s referrals to himself as the president of law and order functioned as race baiting and, in turn, would incite violence. A Washington Post column said the riots and destruction were the wages of Trump’s hate-filled incumbency. The Trump-era national media simply make it up the narrative for their viewers.

What Trump did do was warn the public that when the looting starts, the shooting starts. He was right. There are now over 15 related deaths to the violence and rioting – most are African Americans killing their own. Yet, some have downplayed the looting and violence. Politicians, along with sympathetic members of the national media, lined up to justify the destruction. Well, the violence did not end with buildings reduced to ashes or broken windows. Lives were lost.

We can only suspect that Trump was also at fault, when in 2015, looting, lawlessness, and burning down neighborhoods took place in Baltimore over the death of Freddy Gray when former President Obama was in power. Trump at fault just never ends.

Democrats and their conspiring media experts recall 400 years systemic racism as an excuse for the Democrat’s failures to deliver, yet the complaints and demonstrations keep rolling in today and likely again in a few years under this liberal model. Rather, it is the systemic political failures in Democrat strongholds such as Detroit, San Francisco, Chicago, California, and New York where an exodus of African Americans are fleeing crime, government bankruptcies, diminished law enforcement, high taxes, poverty, and homelessness. We are seeing an influx of Americans moving to Republican dominated States such as Florida and Texas where safety and the fruits of their labor are much more bountiful.

It does not matter how many black mayors, police chiefs, Governors or streets named “Black Lives Matter”; it is the same issues despite every blue state’s ill-fated promises. The biased media is unwilling to expose the facts. Rather, they seek to blame Trump’s three years in the Oval Office for the decades of failure.

Let us be very clear that political opportunists, however disjointed, have similar intentions to divide and dismantle the United States of America. The political agenda of Antifa and BLM has very little to do with the death of George Floyd, but rather the latest catalyst to convince Millennials and next generations to rollover existing institutions of law and order for a liberal nihilism that rejects nationalism, free markets, the right to bear arms, and our Creator.

Only days ago, Democrat Governors were instructing the arrests of hairdressers and fitness owners for failing to abide by social distancing measures or sounding off on irresponsible gun-totting peaceful demonstrators at state capitals as Trump’s Nazis. We only hear crickets in the lack of distancing in the same blue states where the collapsing rule of law for mass demonstrations has sidelined a deadly pandemic that could see many more lives lost with a spike in COVID-19 cases.

We now hear patronizing apologies from some corporations, academia, sports leagues, and their athletes for America’s pervasive white supremacy. Defunding police is the newest mantra by BLM and elected Democrat lawmakers looking to hitch themselves to a political opportunistic bandwagon. This insane policy would be horrific for the very people BLM are supposedly representing. Violent crime would escalate in minority communities and White suburbia will arm themselves to the teeth with more guns. Things just got worst in the Democrat-led cities waiting on Superman and the Avengers to respond where a diminished police force would now tepidly rush in to protect their neighbors.

If black lives really mattered, there would be the same level of outrage and demonstrations over black on black violence in Chicago and Detroit, where on any given weekend there are over ten fatally shot and upwards to 50 wounded. Bagdad or Kabul are safer. The fact that African Americans are being killed in huge numbers by people of their own ethnicity is somehow okay and therefore ignored when it does not fit into the political agenda of Joe Biden and the alternative narratives ripping America apart.

What we observe is natural polarization in one’s familiar habitat within their community hub. If the White demonstrator against racism wanted to really make a difference, they might just decide to move their family into a less homogenous area of their city to assimilate the distinct cultures and flatten the crime and poverty curve facing African Americans.

While the death of George Floyd is horrific, there is no justification to mourn the victim by rioting, looting, and destroying property and jobs in their own neighborhoods. It will, however, become more clear that Floyd’s tragic death will become an opportunistic chaotic catalyst for Joe Biden and the Democrats to point to President Trump as the racist in the White House. Thus, they will seek to maintain their decades long subversive liberal strategy to lock up black votes in Democrat strongholds that will further divide America in streets of mayhem and have nots.

Many Americans, both black and white, may have had no intention to vote for Donald Trump. However, everyone should compare what Joe Biden represents and has achieved in his decades of service for people of color with what the current President has actually accomplished for African Americans in the past three years.


  1. In the LBJ biography by historian Doris Kearn Goodwin’s book, ‘Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream’; page 155. The utterance was made to Richard Russel, a fellow Democrat Senator from Georgia.
  2. Quote found in Ronald Kessler’s book, ‘Inside the White House’; overheard by Robert MacMillan, an Air Force One steward as Johnson spoke to two governors.

  3. In December 2018, President Trump commented while signing the First Steps Act with bipartisan-support at the White House.
  4. Comment made by President Trump during the 2019 State of the Union in Washington DC.
  5. Comment made by President Trump during a 2019 speech to the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

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