Military and Security

September 8, 2021
Michael Lambert

Ph.D. in History of Europe & International Relations, Sorbonne University - INSEAD Business School, (Geo)political scientist working on Sino-European/Russian relations and soft power in the 21st century

A Glimpse at China’s Nuclear Build-Up
April 23, 2021
Michael Lambert

PhD, political psychologist working at the intersection of medicine and political science, broadening the topics of Blue Ocean Strategy in international politics and the study of mathematical models of strategic interaction between decision-makers in para-states

The CIA Declassified Reports on The French Nuclear Weapons Program (1959)
April 9, 2021
Lukas Jansen

MA in Russian and Post-Soviet Politics – School of Slavonic and East European Countries, University College London. MA in History of Philosophy – Sorbonne Université, RIAC intern

Western Sahara and Russian Arms Sales: A Review
December 7, 2020
Pietro Shakarian

Postdoctoral Fellow, National Research University–Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg

Karabakh—A Delicate Matter
October 21, 2020
Vali Kaleji

Expert on Central Asia and Caucasian Studies, based in Tehran, Iran

Nagorno-Karabakh: Transformation From an Ethnic-Territorial to Ethnic-Religious Conflict
October 7, 2020
Michael Lambert

Ph.D. in History of Europe & International Relations, Sorbonne University - INSEAD Business School, (Geo)political scientist working on Sino-European/Russian relations and soft power in the 21st century

Who’s Who in Nagorno-Karabakh
August 31, 2020
Dennis Voronin

Policy Analyst at The Russian Public Affairs Committee (Ru-PAC)

The New START Must Not Become an Ironic END of Bilateral Russia-U.S. Arms Control
April 29, 2020
Igor Vokhmintsev

Bachelor in International Relations, Samara National Research University

Ukraine and NATO: Course Correction
April 21, 2020
Roman Mayka

RIAC Expert

Stay Home and Prepare for Occupation
March 25, 2020
Yuan Jiang

PhD student in Media and Communication, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

The Thucydides’ Trap: the Avoidable Destiny Between the US and China
March 19, 2020
Noel Sharkey

Emeritus Professor of AI and Robotics at the University of Sheffield, co-director of the Foundation for Responsible Robotics and chair of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control (ICRAC)

Tatyana Kanunnikova

Independent journalist, RIAC expert

Autonomous Weapons Pose a Threat to International Security
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