Search: USA (500 materials)


The Cold War Never Ended in Asia

... the leading China’s national hub for economic, cultural, educational and human interaction with its northern neighbor. Remembering WW2 in Asia One of the items of Vladimir Putin agenda in Harbin was to lay flowers at the memorial to some twelve thousand of Soviet soldiers and officers who died during WW2 liberating Manchuria from the Japanese occupation. The Russian leader specifically noted the careful attitude of the Chinese authorities towards the memory of joint pages of military glory and ...


Europe will eventually have to choose between the US and BRICS

... China, India, Iran and others insist on doing business without outside interference, not to speak of foreign diktat. They don’t want to dominate Eurasia: they live there, it is their home – unlike the ever-restless “indispensable nation” thousands of miles away. In Ukraine, the main issue for Russia has been national security, not some “resurrection of an empire” ; in Taiwan, Beijing has advocated national reunification on a version of the Hong Kong model, again a far cry from an imperial ...


On a New Mechanism for the Confiscation of Russian Sovereign Assets: Consensus Between the US Administration and Congress

New legal mechanisms on both sides cement the economic barriers that, most likely, will last for years and decades In the United States, both houses of Congress approved the bill H.R. 8038 , titled “21 st Century Peace through Strength Act”. In Russia, the bill received resonance in connection with the legal mechanism for the confiscation of Russia’s sovereign assets. Previously, there were no such mechanisms in the arsenal of US sanctions policy towards Russia. What will the new law look like?...


Chinese Logic and European Theatre

China attempts to delay, to the greatest extent possible, the process of direct conflict with the United States and its allies China attempts to delay, to the greatest extent possible, the process of direct conflict with the United States and its allies. This conflict is of a strategic nature, and is linked to simple competition for access to global resources and markets. Meanwhile, Europeans do not have significant stakes in this US-China confrontation, and their attitude towards involvement is...


Decades of Wars?

... but which are one of the most dangerous possible sources of a thermonuclear conflict. In the meantime, we need hundreds of Indologists, dozens of experts on Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian and Africa countries, and, of course, thousands more Sinologists. More attention must be paid to ASEAN as part of the Greater Eurasia strategy. ASEAN is more than just markets and pleasant vacation destinations. It is a region where serious conflicts may erupt within a decade, especially since ...


China in the Gulf: Tried Its Best, You Know the Rest

Beijing is rather reluctant to get deeply involved in intra-regional politics in the Middle East, as this could provoke new tensions with the U.S. The current escalation in the Middle East has been described by many as a test of influence for China. For example, the media repeatedly suggested that the United States asked China to put pressure on Iran during the latest rounds of escalation, especially after the Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. Yet, if compared to Qatari, Egyptian...


A massive transformation is taking place in Russia, and the West is blind to it

... soldiers but civilians, too – are getting killed, other, non-material values are coming back. Patriotism, reviled and derided in the wake of the Soviet Union’s collapse, is re-emerging in force. In the absence of fresh mobilization, hundreds of thousands of those who sign contracts with the military are motivated by a desire to help the country. Not just by what they can get from it. Russian popular culture is shedding – slowly, perhaps, but steadily – the habit of imitating what’s hot in ...


Trump is Better for Palestinians

... he cut off funding to the Palestinians for rewarding families of suicide terrorists and their unwillingness to recognize Israel, his first visit abroad was to Saudi Arabia to solidify relations with America, and he moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Trump’s actions resulted in four Arab countries entering into an unprecedented economic and cultural relations with Israel under the Abraham Accords. The former president did not waver on principle and was resolute in carrying a big stick to ...


U.S. Recent Plans in National Air Defense: The East Asia Dimension

... Americans proceeded from the results of experiments based on war games with the use of computers, as R. Frykland puts it. Those experiments suggested the U.S. would win the war or achieve a most favorable settlement of the conflict in case of their refusal to destroy cities [ 2 ]. In the time of President Richard Nixon, the U.S. military initiated a new response strategy aimed at achieving superiority in the exchange of counterforce strikes. Under Ronald Reagan, those ideas were transformed into the ...


In Africa: Rise of Russia or decline of the US?

Russian-African ties pose both opportunities and challenges for African countries, but Moscow's renewed engagement in Africa raises concerns among Western nations. The African continent is witnessing a noticeable escalation in the competition between the United States and Russia. Both superpowers are seeking to strengthen their influence and expand their interests in this strategic region, rich in natural resources and a potentially huge market for products and services. It is an important arena...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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