Search: USA (500 materials)


Summits Themselves Are Not Enough to Change the Negative Dynamics of the Relationship

Andrey Kortunov on the Biden – Putin Summit Major Results Interview for Hanns Seidel Foundation. The US-Russia relationship is at a low point, maybe at the lowest level since the Cold War. There is little mutual trust and there are few efforts from both sides to improve the relationship. Against this background, what is your analysis of the Biden-Putin summit and what are the major results? Have your overall expectations been met? In the US–Russian relations, like in the US-Soviet relations, little...


A Tentative Step Back From the Abyss Reflects Sober Assessment of the Danger of Nuclear War

Resounding "No" to Nuclear War Given the harsh words and shrill tone from the Biden team preceding his meeting with Russian President Putin on June 16, it seemed realistic that both sides were lowering expectations in pre-summit pronouncements. In the days before the summit, Biden met with G7 leaders and NATO officials to create an impression of a united front against the "threats" posed by Russia and China. His spokesmen repeatedly painted a picture of an "Alliance of...


Fragile Stabilisation of Confrontation

... fundamentally change their approach to the international order and their place in it; a strong bipartisan anti-Russian consensus persists among the American political elite and establishment, despite an acute polarisation of the political system in the USA. The task of the Geneva summit is different: to stabilise the Russian-American confrontation, to put an end to its unhealthy nature and uncontrollable course of recent years, and to form a model of relations in which the parties, despite considering ...


What position would Russia take in case of an armed conflict between China and US?

China and Russia have seen increasing interactions and closer bonds as they face amid US pressure China and Russia have seen increasing interactions and closer bonds as they face amid US pressure. The trilateral relations of China, Russia and the US are of great significance in the international order. Ahead of the upcoming Putin-Biden summit, Global Times reporters Xie Wenting and Bai Yunyi ( GT ) interviewed Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov ( Denisov ) on a range of issues including...


Afghanistan Will Test SCO's Capacity

... The US is withdrawing from Afghanistan. Twenty years of the US-led foreign intervention has brought neither prosperity, nor stability, to the country. With hundreds of billions of dollars spent on the seemingly endless military operations and with thousands of Americans killed, the Biden Administration faces a harsh reality: A Western type political system is not likely to take roots in Kabul anytime soon. Washington has lost the war it waged for the last two decades. The main challenge for US President ...


Summit without System

Today, the relations between Russia and the United States are abnormal, irrational, lacking in systemic thinking, clear goal-setting, and acceptable practices It is clear why the Russia—U.S. Presidential summit is in the limelight of the world community. In the history of international relations, high-level meetings often become significant events that change the paradigm of bilateral and multilateral contacts. However, this happens when the accompanying factors—necessary for a reverse, revision...


Towards Increasingly Complex Multipolarity: Scenario for the Future

What kind of the new world order is Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister expecting? A “New World Order” (NWO) is emerging before everyone’s eyes, said Aleksandr Fomin, Russian Deputy Defense Minister, in an interview for RT earlier this month. He is quoted by the outlet as saying that: “Today we are witnessing the formation of a new world order. We see a tendency for countries to be drawn into a new Cold War, the states being divided into ‘us’ and ‘them’, with ‘them’ unambiguously defined in doctrinal...


US-China Relations: Moving Towards a New Cold War?

... demand for freedom of speech.” [ 39 ] Subsequent documents were more critical. Resolution of the House of Representatives Nо. 907 of March 24, 2020, denounced the PRC for censoring reports about the virus during the early stages of its spread, its refusal to cooperate with scientists from the Centre for Disease Control to assist its response to COVID-19 for over a month after cooperation was offered, and denial of the person-to-person transmissibility of COVID–19. The resolution also contained ...


Geneva Meeting: A World in Waiting

It is unlikely that we will see any breakthroughs at the upcoming Putin-Biden summit—but despite all the difficulties, there are still signs for optimism Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin have known each other for a long time—decades, in fact. This, however, made it no easier for them to agree to the meeting scheduled for June 16 in Geneva. The U.S.–Russia relations have seen a steady decline over the past few years, with all but few official contacts being suspended and the sides regularly trading...


Layered Cake. What to Expect from the Putin-Biden Summit?

... than the Putin-Trump summit in Helsinki in 2018. Unlike his predecessor, the current US president is much less burdened by domestic political restrictions. He is not waging a war with the establishment, he is not linked with an election scandal and accusations of “collusion with Russia”. Possible agreements between the two presidents, albeit modest, have chances for further elaboration. Nevertheless, Russia and the United States are approaching the summit in strategic confrontation mode. The set ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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