Search: Ukraine (465 materials)


Is Ukrainian Crisis the Last for Russia?

The Baltic region may well become the next hot spot For many months, the conflict in Ukraine and related sanctions have remained the key issue discussed by politicians, diplomats and journalists. Alexei Fenenko , leading research fellow at the RAS Institute of International Security Problems, shares his views on the impact of the sanctions ...


Vladimir Baranovsky: OSCE Mission in Ukraine Is Needed

The Ukraine crisis remains one of the most vexed issues on the international agenda. The interested parties are making efforts to resolve it, and important steps towards peace have already been taken. So far, however, this is not enough to halt the bloodshed....


Russia-West rivalry over Ukraine is higher priority than security

... Moscow Center Director Dmitri Trenin to discuss the new wave of the sanctions war between Russia and the West, the recent NATO summit in Wales, common external threats for Russia and the West such as Islamic State, and the odds of success for the Russia-Ukraine ceasefire agreement. Although Russia and Ukraine seem to have begun taking steps to resolve the Ukraine crisis on a diplomatic level, a new wave of sanctions imposed on Russia’s energy companies and major banks may become another serious ...


Russia and the West: The Treaty That Never Was

... Russia’s relations with the West could possibly sink to their current level. Yeltsin’s strategy for winning the power struggle was simple—dissolve the state that Gorbachev headed. This he accomplished by conspiring with the Presidents of Ukraine and Belarus, who met secretly at Belovezhskaya Pushcha on 8 December 1991, to dissolve the Soviet Union. I will leave aside the question of whether dismantling a country that was well on the way to democratic reform, genuine federalism, and partnership ...


How the Ukraine-Russia -West Crisis Might Come to the End

... different ideas about democratic institutions and procedures. Possible only within a limited period of time, the peaceful coexistence scenario hinges on third-arty political actors’ unwillingness to actively seek compromise for the situation in Ukraine. The slow, gradual introduction of the Western sanctions, as well as Russia’s reactive sanctions against the Western nations, is now detrimental to all parties involved, although it does not preclude a dialog and contacts between parties ...


NATO: A Mighty Wind, Signifying Nothing

The surrealism of the Ukrainian conflict continued last week, with the 28 members of the NATO alliance meeting in a cozy golf resort in Wales, United Kingdom, to discuss all of the supposedly egregious and disconcerting Russian maneuvers against Ukraine and demanding that Russia stop inviting further sanctions and pressure against itself, as British Prime Minister David Cameron emphasized at the summit. All of this is well and good, of course, part of the pomp and circumstance of international ...


The EU Badly Needs Gas Talks

The key to understanding the current state of affairs in Russia-Ukraine gas relations is in the fact that Kiev is simply bankrupt. Both the Ukrainian government and Naftogaz have been slung over the barrel, primarily because low domestic prices are not bringing in enough revenue. The Ukraine gas price set in 2009 ...


Can Russia–EU–Ukraine Negotiations on Gas Be Saved?

Interview with Yuri Borovsky The trilateral negotiations on supplies of Russian gas to Europe via Ukraine, scheduled for September 6, 2014, have been postponed due to irreconcilable differences between the participants and the political deadlock that has arisen in the process of settling the Ukrainian crisis. As the winter heating season approaches,...


France and Ukraine: Does a Raison d'État still exist?

... ministers disbanded. Frantically trying to return quickly disappearing confidence and breathe new life into the country’s stagnating economy, French President François Hollande is also playing quite the ambiguous role in the settlement of the Ukraine conflict. We met with RIAC Expert Yuri Rubinsky, PhD in History, Professor at the Higher School of Economics, to discuss the motives and the rationale for France's involvement. Dr. Rubinsky, how would you describe France's approach to the events ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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