... of our time.
The most recent example: Germany’s “no” to the EU’s punitive tariffs on imports of electric vehicles from China. And Olaf Scholz’s clear “no” to supplying Taurus missiles to Ukraine. These are clear signals from Germany to China and Ukraine.
The illusion of a perfect world
In the spirit of Kant: People all have their rough edges. It’s hard to make something straight of all that, something that is 100% coherent, a world order based on justice and harmony.
That is in the spirit ...
... contradictions impeding the new world order’s formation.
In the fall of 2024, such an understanding is in need of correction.
regarding nuclear weapons. It is not that they have ceased to function as a deterrent. Their possession by Russia, China—and to some extent Israel—does deter those states’ adversaries from actions that they would likely otherwise take to achieve success. But the Ukraine conflict has forced the world to reconsider the limits of nuclear deterrence, i.e., to define what exactly it is able to deter. The current U.S.-NATO proxy war against Russia, in the form of full-scale military support for Ukraine and all-out ...
... URL:
[8] US Dismisses China’s Ukraine Peace Proposal as an Attempt to Distract // Politico, February 23, 20223. URL:
[9] Путин: план КНР по Украине может быть взят за основу разрешения конфликта // РИА Новости, 21 марта 2023 г. URL:
... sketch of the Chinese worldview as applied to the Ukrainian situation.
The U.S. and Europe were skeptical of the Chinese peace plan, doubting the country’s neutrality. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell
that there is only one peace plan for Ukraine – Zelensky’s plan. China’s plan is just a set of well-intentioned wishes. The U.S., too, was
unenthusiastic about
the Chinese proposals, as it continued to reproach China for supporting Russia. In turn, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, answering questions on ...
is the main exporter, its share in the volume of imported grain exceeding 60%. Ukraine also used to export soybeans to China, but its volume in total imports was so small (0.08%) that it is of no real importance to China. The main cereal entering China from Ukraine under the initiative under review was corn (China imported 75% of corn from the U.S. and 22% from Ukraine in 2022), but the total volume of imports did not exceed 6% of total consumption, so it can be safely assumed that the termination of the ...
... perspective, the Ukraine crisis is extremely complex in terms of its
causes, participants, and pursued interests. It is not only a war between Russia and
Ukraine, but also a proxy war or quasi-war between Russia and the US and NATO.
With regard to Russia and Ukraine, China has never had any problems with Ukraine.
However, when it comes to Russia and the US and NATO, China believes that the
latter two hold substantial responsibility for the outbreak and continuation of the war
and that some countries have exploited ...
... geopolitical confrontation between the US and China from the second half of the 2010s, as well as the transition in 2022 of Russian-American relations from the stage of confrontation to the sharp rivalry between the two states, including
a proxy war
in Ukraine. Understanding the collapse of its previous calculations on the internal political transformation of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China, as well as the complex of challenges to its global hegemony, during the presidency of Donald Trump (2017-2021) the United States officially adopted the concept of great power rivalry, and accepted the notion – already under the Joe Biden administration ...
... democratic, and more safe. So this is our direct message to the U.S. and the Western countries.
CGTN: The joint statement stressed the need to resolve the Ukraine crisis "through peace talks." Russia welcomes the constructive proposals set forth in China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis. Facing the current crisis in Ukraine, how do you view the statements of both sides? How will this help resolve the Ukraine crisis?
Certainly, we respect these proposals. And in our joint statements, we said that Russia is absolutely ...
... the JCPOA nuclear deal, Washington has continuously gone on the offensive. The US has clearly understood that time is not on its side and has resolved to act while the balance of power is in its favor. Provoking Moscow into taking military action in Ukraine was designed to weaken and isolate Russia; stoking tensions in the Taiwan area has served the goal of pressuring China and strengthening anti-Beijing alliances in the Asia-Pacific.
The US strategy includes mobilizing and disciplining Washington’s multiple allies around the world. The leadership of the Americans within those various blocs, which is the latest version ...
... countries and it includes both bilateral and multilateral formats. A lot from this experience can be used by other international actors across the world.
GT: How do you and other Russian people view China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis proposed by China? What role can China play in resolving the Ukraine crisis?
China is better positioned than many other countries to play a mediating role in the fratricidal Russia-Ukraine conflict.
In Moscow, they paid a lot of attention to the Chinese ...