Search: USA (500 materials)


The Confused Superpower: A Year After America's Elections

By virtue of its combined power capabilities, the United States continues to occupy a central place in international politics, and developments inside the country inevitably become the most important factor in world affairs Both Trump and Biden seem to have jumped into the 21 st century from a completely different era — a time when the ability of the United States to determine the fate of other sovereign peoples was not indisputable. They consistently tried to integrate their power into the changing...


Russian Foreign Policy: Shifting Gears

... pro-Russian forces; NATO significantly increased its presence and activity in the Black Sea; and U.S. strategic bombers flew missions as close as 20 kilometers from the Russian border, according to Putin. The gas price crunch in Europe provoked bitter accusations that Russia had caused it. Even the migrant crisis on Poland’s border, part of a plan by Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko to punish the EU and coerce its leaders into a dialogue with him, was blamed directly on the Kremlin. What some ...


Little US Reward for Lithuania’s Anti-China Role

The Lithuanian gamble has low chances of succeeding Why does Lithuania provoke China on the Taiwan question? Is it indeed so important for politicians in Vilnius to have a "Taiwan Representative Office" in their city instead of a "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office" or something similar? Everybody understands how sensitive this issue is for Beijing and it was crystal clear from the very beginning that China could not take the Lithuanian challenge lightly. The reaction from...


Climate Change as a Threat Multiplier

... will be distributed, so it won’t be the same kind of massive grid because we also need to reduce the risks of cyber and other deliberate attacks on a grid that could bring the power down in major urban areas. In your opinion, how could Russia and the USA cooperate on detection, monitoring, preventing, and mitigating security threats related to climate change? Well, there is a lot that the U.S and Russia could do if we could resolve some of the challenges we face in other areas, particularly, Russia’s ...


Dialogue through sanctions is unacceptable and violates international law

... crisis. Dialogue through sanctions is unacceptable and violates international law. We regard all attempts to impede Russian oil and gas exports to Europe as unfair competition, undermining the free market principles. We also categorically reject accusations against us regarding the Russian energy policy. Such statements show the disrespect of the United States for its own allies who are ready to build a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with our country. We have proven in practice that we ...


Russia and the United States Mapping Out Cooperation in Information Security

... fostered and enhanced. For example, most attacks on Russian infrastructure in 2020, the NCIRCC suggests, were carried out from the United States, Germany and the Netherlands. By the same token, the Western media continues to level mostly unsubstantiated accusations against Russia for its supposed involvement in cyberattacks, while cyber defence activities have become overly politicized. Meaningful interaction, once it produces positive results, facilitates an atmosphere of trust between the parties, opening ...


Summit for Democracy Attempts to Turn Multicolor Modern World into Black and White Divisions

... with this reality would be to start fighting against social, political and economic diversity by trying to advance one single model over all others. This is exactly what the Joe Biden administration is committed to doing by launching an ideological crusade against China, Russia and other nations that dare to deviate from the fundamentals of the Western development model. To make its case, the White House has announced a virtual Summit for Democracy to be hosted by the US on December 9–10 with the ...


New Paradigm of US Foreign Policy and Relations with Russia

... the paradigm of transforming the rest of the world in accordance with American values was Donald Trump. Under his administration, for the first time since the Cold War, the US didn’t initiate any new military interventions, openly declared its refusal to spread democracy by military means, and made a fundamental decision to leave Afghanistan by signing an agreement with the Taliban (banned in Russia). It announced that henceforth, US foreign and defence policy would be focused primarily on the ...


Why India Will Never Be Part of U.S. Alliances

... economic leverage. Once again, we would like to stress that China tends to more restrained than the U.S. in using unilateral sanctions, although this instrument is still present in China’s foreign policy toolbox as has been demonstrated by Beijing’s refusal to purchase Australian coal. It should also be noted that Moscow is forced to reckon with Washington’s significant influence in its neighboring states (Ukraine and Georgia), just as India has to take into account Beijing’s standing in the states ...


The Turkish Gambit

... striking a deal with Russia, as well as Turkey’s sudden interest in it, were certainly spurred on by Ankara’s deteriorating relations with the United States after the attempted coup. It is hard to say what kind of response Ankara expected to its accusations and demands—in particular, the extradition of Fethullah Gülen, who was accused of masterminding the attempted coup—but repentance was certainly not forthcoming, and the attempt at blackmail by purchasing S-400 prompted pure rage. It was ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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