Search: USA (500 materials)


What a Week of Talks Between Russia and the West Revealed

... close to Russia’s borders in Europe. Moscow’s demand for the withdrawal of all military infrastructure deployed to NATO’s Eastern European member states is as impossible as it is largely unnecessary in terms of Russia’s security. The several thousand U.S. soldiers located on the territory in question don’t exactly pose a serious threat to Russia. NATO battalions in the Baltics are, if anything, simply there to placate the three host countries: their presence on former Soviet territory may ...


Is There a Way Out of the Russia-NATO Talks Impasse?

If Moscow believes that the main security threat it faces is NATO military infrastructure moving closer to Russia’s western borders, it would make sense to focus on the infrastructure itself rather than the theoretical possibility of NATO expansion Few can have been surprised by the outcome of the recent talks between Russia and the West, in which the latter, represented by the United States and its European allies, rejected Russia’s demands to close NATO’s doors to new Eastern European members...


What is driving Russia’s security concerns?

... sources as “in proximity”, is minimum 200-300 km from the border. Does it mean that Russian troops will be prohibited from approaching its own borders in proximity, for example, of 400-500 km? Meanwhile, on the other side there are more than 100 thousand Ukrainian troops concentrated on the contact line with Donbas, and much closer to it than the distance between the Russian troops and the Russian border. It is interesting to note that maps, which Western media these days is so fond of printing ...


Russia’s foreign policy performance in 2021

... it. The Minsk agreements include a direct ban on the presence of foreign military personnel or foreign armed soldiers in Ukraine. There is no ban on arms supplies to Ukraine. But foreign military personnel are there, and in large quantities. Not thousands (as some mistakenly claim sometimes), but there are several hundred American, British and other military advisors there. There is no formal ban on weapons. Returning to the plans that the current Ukrainian government is hatching, we realise perfectly ...


Euro-Atlantic Security Leadership Group Supports Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States Affirming: “A Nuclear War Cannot be Won and Must Never be Fought”

The Statement of Co-Conveners of the Euro-Atlantic Security Leadership Group (EASLG) The Co-Conveners of the Euro-Atlantic Security Leadership Group (EASLG) released the following statement : “We welcome the leadership shown by the leaders of The People’s Republic of China, the French Republic, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America in their January 3, 2022 Joint Statement on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races...


Will the U.S.-Russian Strategic Dialogue Be a Step Back from War?

Interview for the Schiller Institute Harley Schlanger : Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger with the Schiller Institute and Executive Intelligence Review. It’s January 6, 2022, and I’m joined today, very happily, by Dr. Andrey Kortunov, the director general of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC). He’s been a participant at several Schiller Institute conferences. The RIAC itself is a very prestigious and important institute in shaping Russian foreign policy. We’re speaking at a moment of heightened...


Ukrainian Crisis: Political Economy of Confrontation

The most realistic scenario for the near future is that the collective West “ties up” Moscow’s demands for European security in endless consultations and agreements The aggravation of the situation around Ukraine has revived a long-standing dispute over the motives of great power politics [ 2 ]. This motive, among other things, can be survival, security, or the maximisation of influence (power). Moreover, any political process unfolds in a certain resource niche. That is, both security and power...


Analysing the Czech Nuclear Strategy in a Changing (Nuclear) Energy World: Geopolitical Implications and Opportunities

... country with a tradition on uranium mining, Czechoslovakia quickly turned to the solution of nuclear industry. Considering that the Soviet Union had a need for uranium imports to develop its own nuclear sector, this presented a great opportunity for the usage of these vast deposits of uranium. On one hand, Soviet atomic experts assisted with their technical expertise, but also with materials to build the power plants. On the other hand, the demand for Czechoslovak uranium increased, giving a boost to ...


Results of 2021: Sanctions Policy

... of Belarus. Western pressure on Minsk began in 2020 after the presidential elections and subsequent public protests. Since the incident with the Ryanair flight, the escalation of sanctions has accelerated significantly. The blocking sanctions of the USA, EU, Canada, Great Britain and Switzerland fell on a number of Belarusian officials, businessmen close to the authorities, state structures and backbone companies for Belarusian exports. Minsk faced sectoral sanctio ns against its financial sector,...


Platform Modernisation: What the US Treasury Sanctions Review Is All About

No signs of an easing are foreseen for the key targets of US sanctions The US Treasury has released an overview of its sanctions policy. It outlines key principles for making the restrictive US measures more effective. The revision of the sanctions policy was announced at the beginning of Joe Biden’s presidential term. The new review can be considered one of the results of this work. At the same time, it is difficult to find signs of qualitative changes in the US administration’s approach to sanctions...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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