Search: Ukraine (465 materials)


Gazprom Gaining Ground in Europe

... where the North Stream reaches the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. Ukrainian Discontent It should be noted that the agreement between the European Commission and Gazprom expires in 2033, while Gazprom’s contract with Ukraine expires in 2019, which is essential. This deal is profitable for everyone except Ukraine, which is about to lose the additional fiscal revenue from gas transit. As expected, the Ukrainian energy community responded resolutely - Ukrainian Naftogaz ...


EXCLUSIVE: Top Trump Aides’ Deeper & Linked Roles in Putin Agenda Revealed; Russian Mafia Nexus With Trump & Aides Goes Back Years

New threads in the Team Trump/Team Putin tangled web show Manafort and Page linked to each other as part of a Russian plot to control Ukraine and also show a mutual Russian mafia godfather linking them with each other and Trump, providing even deeper and more fertile ground on which to question Trump’s pro-Russia, Pro-Putin positions and their origins. Author's note: this ...


An International Expert Group Works out Scenarios of Ukraine’s Society and Statehood Development

On October 30–31, 2016 Vienna hosted the second international meeting of experts to consider scenarios of socio-economic and political future of Ukraine in a ten-year term (the first such meeting took place in April 2016 in Potsdam). In the same way as before, the participants of the discussion included four think tanks from Germany ( Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, FES ), the USA (Washington branch ...


A look at international relations from a Russian viewpoint

... drastic changes in Russia’s rhetoric. In the midst of this contentment, it was easy to overlook Russia’s change of policy in 2012, when the country started to focus on Eurasia. In 2014, Russia embarked on a power struggle with the West over Ukraine. This is bad news for dealing with threats such as terrorism, which need the combined effort of the civilised world. Russia and the West aren’t able to come together to address this threat because their judgement is obstructed by fear and ...


Recent International Processes’ effects on the Socio-Political Situation in Ukraine

Ukrainian Think Thanks Publications Review Ukrainian Think Thanks Publications Review The political process in the Ukraine has become as hot as the scorching weather the country has been experiencing of late. Discussions about the latest trends at home and around the world and what it all means for the future of Ukraine have reached fever pitch. The recent NATO Summit ...


Russia and Turkey: More Than a Rapprochement?

... Today the situation is no different and the St. Petersburg summit was held against the background of both Ankara and Moscow having turbulent relations with Brussels and Washington. The Kremlin’s foreign policy goes against Western interests in Ukraine and the Black Sea. The result is ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine and economic sanctions against Russia. Turkey, on the other hand, is close to being isolated from international affairs. Turkey has historically been NATO’s ally. Still,...


Trump, Putin, Russia, DNC/Clinton Hack, & WikiLeaks: “There's Something Going on” with Election 2016 & It's Cyberwarfare & Maybe Worse: UPDATED 8/15

... political cyberwarfare in election 2016. By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981) Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse on July 30th/31st, 2016 (MAJOR UPDATE August 15th with bombshell information on Manafort's dealings in Ukraine and also updated August 8th to note Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein's participation in the Moscow RT gala alongside Lt. Gen. Flynn) Andrew Harnik/AP; Reuters; The Washington Post AMMAN — When it comes to President ...


Are the Minsk Agreements Doomed?

Against the background of the NATO Warsaw summit on 8–9 July 2016 Washington tried to reassure its partners in the post-Soviet space – Georgia and Ukraine –to whom it promised NATO membership 8 years earlier. The NATO summit de facto confirmed that in the medium term the accession of Kiev and Tbilisi to NATO has been taken off the NATO agenda. However, Washington has indicated that it is ...


The Marginalia of Russia’s Foreign Policy Today

... previously established connections turned out to be more difficult in case of Georgia. AP /EPA / Maxim Shipenkov Ivan Timofeev, Elena Alekseenkova: Eurasia in Russian Foreign Policy: Interests, Opportunities and Constraints Since 2014, Russia–Ukraine relations have been extremely tense. Today, they are far from the understanding stipulated in the 2013 Concept of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation: “…build up relations with Ukraine as a priority partner within the CIS,...


Domestic Policy-specific Characteristics of Constitutional Process Implementation in Ukraine

... of full-scale implementation of constitutional reforms proposed by the nation’s leaders, as well as potential ways and means for overcoming existing obstacles on the path to a successful transformation of the country, while taking into account Ukraine’s domestic policy-specific characteristics and geopolitical realities. Ukraine’s constitutional process remains the focus of the country’s political life as it continues to generate intensive debates about its own outlook and ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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