Search: Ukraine (465 materials)


Searching for a new foundation for German-Russian relations

... the Soviet Union and the eastern enlargement of the EU. With US support, Germany was key to the stabilization of Europe in the 1990s; today it needs to build on this visionary and pragmatic tradition. But at least since the start of the conflict in Ukraine in 2014, it has become clear that Germany’s partnership for modernization [ 1 ] with Russia has failed, and the special relationship between Moscow and Berlin is now in doubt. Yet it is Berlin — not Brussels, Warsaw or Paris — that will ...


The Times for a Special Relationship Between Germany and Russia Are Over

The road to Moscow does not lead through Berlin alone, but also through Brussels Relations between Germany and Russia are in a state of severe crisis. At latest since the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict, but also even before, the relationship was under stress. The new federal government will have to face the challenge of finding ways to deal with the root causes of the crisis. The intuitive response in this situation would be to take ...


Evolution of Post-Soviet Space: Past, Present and Future: An Anthology

This publication includes 53 articles analysing the main development trends in the post-Soviet space – both the geopolitical region as a whole and the individual countries that make it up. The anthology consists of three sections: the first section is retrospective in nature and looks at the post-Soviet space 20 years after the collapse of the USSR; the second section analyses the current state of the former Soviet nations; and the third section provides a number of forecasts for the development...


Russia and Ukraine: From Brothers to Neighbors

Russia is parting ways with both Ukraine and Belarus. This did not have to be a tragedy with Ukraine, and can still be handled amicably with Belarus. Moreover, an independent Ukrainian state and a Ukrainian political nation ease Russia’s transition from its post-imperial condition ...


Foresight Ukraine: 4 Scenarios for the Development of Ukraine

On 20th of February Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) together with the FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe (Vienna) held the presentation on the outcomes of the project "Foresight Ukraine. Four scenarios for the development of Ukraine". On 20th of February Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) together with the FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe (Vienna) held the presentation on the outcomes ...


Will Donbass Live to See the UN Peacekeepers?

Neither side is likely to achieve a decisive victory in the foreseeable future. And a protracted crisis will mean the accumulation of long-term problems for both Ukraine and Russia It all began three months ago to the day, in the Chinese town of Xiamen. During a news conference following the BRICS Summit, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin proposed the use of international peacekeepers under ...


International Expert Group Lays out Ukraine’s Future Scenarios in Berlin

On November 8 in Berlin Friedrich Ebert Stiftung headquarters hosted a presentation of the report on Ukraine’s future scenarios prepared by an international group of experts in 2016-2017. On November 8 in Berlin Friedrich Ebert Stiftung headquarters hosted a presentation of the report on Ukraine’s future scenarios prepared by an international ...


The Price of Peace: The Parameters of a Possible Compromise in Donbass

... mutual understanding on just one of these aspects will inevitably put the future of the entire operation in jeopardy, prolonging the “hostile” phase of the disastrous conflict in the center of Europe. 1. The Sides in the Conflict Every single one of Ukraine’s proposals regarding an international peacekeeping mission over the past two years has invariably included the same goal. The Ukrainian leadership desperately tied to directly or indirectly revise the Minsk II Agreement signed on February 12,...


How China and India Can Keep the Peace in Ukraine

As the 2018 World Cup looms in Russia, the need for a peacekeeping force in the Donbass grows evermore urgent. Beijing should recognise the irony in coming to the aid of both the West and the former Soviet bloc. Peacekeepers in southeastern Ukraine are suddenly back on the global policy agenda, and Asia now has its first major opportunity of this century to rescue Europe from itself – and, by extension, to save the world entire. The recent announcement by Russian President Vladimir Putin ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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