Search: USA (500 materials)


Six months into the conflict, what exactly does Russia hope to achieve in Ukraine?

Putin’s latest comments reveal that Moscow’s thinking has shifted and compromise is no longer on the agenda Dmitry Trenin is a Research Professor at the Higher School of Economics and a Lead Research Fellow at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. He is also a member of the Russian International Affairs Council. Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin referred to Ukraine as an “ anti-Russian enclave ” which has to be removed. He also said that the Russian soldiers taking...


Nuclear War — a Hypothetical Scenario or a Real Threat? RIAC Urban Breakfast

... required amount of source data lacking. The use of tactical nuclear weapons in modern conflicts seems inappropriate. Compared to 1970–1980, when there was a possibility of an open military clash between the armies of several countries (several hundred thousand people), now there is no need for its use. In addition, the consequences of using tactical nuclear weapons are completely unpredictable. Now, it is necessary to revise the principles of nuclear deterrence and non-proliferation. It is necessary to ...


Russia’s Turn to the East: Between Choice and Necessity

Relations with the Asian countries are indeed becoming not a choice, but a necessity The coming era will require states to have a much greater degree of de facto sovereignty and, in a sense, a capacity for limited autarky. Therefore, for all the importance of ties outside the West, Russia cannot simply reorient itself from one direction to another while maintaining its historically-formed strategy of dependence on external sources of development, writes Valdai Club Programme Director Timofei Bordachev...


Pelosi's Visit to Taiwan and Beijing's New Course on the Taiwan Issue

... taken place even before. Thus, the "peaceful reunification" looks problematic. China has been able to build a powerful infrastructure for economic influence on Taiwan, becoming a key trade and industrial partner for the island. Hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese live and do business in the mainland. But the PRC has been unable to convert this economic influence and human connections into real political influence in Taiwan. Since the return of the Democratic Progressive Party to power in the ...


Illusory Stability: Is It Possible to Escalate the Crisis on the Korean Peninsula?

А sharp escalation of tension may occur in the near future The belligerent statements that the United States, North Korea and South Korea have been making about each other over the past few weeks, and the steps they have taken to mobilise their existing arsenals, suggest that a sharp escalation of tension may occur in the near future. In March 2022, Pyongyang successfully tested a "monster missile" - a Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile, weighing up to 110 tons and with a diameter...


From Visits to Concepts: How Russia and the U.S. See Africa’s Place in the World

In Africa, Moscow is moving from “flexible geometry” toward agile and parallel dialogue structures, which entails nuanced and subtle work Since the early days of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, the diplomacy of the Сollective West has been striving to isolate Moscow, punishing it for resolving the conflict in Donbass. However, one cannot talk about isolation without accounting for the position of developing countries: Alongside the golden billion, there are another 7 billion people...


Labour Staging a Comeback

The transformation of capitalism towards a more labour-oriented mode is underway I am worried about our tendency to overinvest in things and underinvest in people. – J. Galbraith In the past several decades the world economy experienced a sizeable rise in the share of profits/capital in national income compared to the share of wages/labour. These trends were driven by a lower role played by trade unions, by rising market concentration as well as trends in IT and technical advancements in production...


U.S. Policy Case for Middle East under New Conditions

... February 24 The Israeli part of Biden’s trip showed that the United States was not going to revise the legacy of the previous administration, which formally declared Israeli settlements in the West Bank not contrary to international law and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel. By and large, the status of Jerusalem, like the issue of Jewish settlements, is a fait accompli for the United States. At the same time, Biden reiterated his support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian ...


Russian–Chinese Dialogue: The 2022 Model

RIAC, Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of International Studies at Fudan University Report #78 / 2022 RIAC, Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of International Studies at Fudan University Report #78 / 2022 The eighth annual report by the Russian International Affairs Council, the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of International Studies at Fudan...


Taiwan Straits Crisis Shows US' Inability to Conduct Coherent Foreign Policy

Though Russia is not close to Taiwan Straits, any conflict in East Asia will have a spillover impact on people in the rest of the world The distance from Russia to Taiwan island amounts to more than 7,000 kilometers - not exactly what you would call a nearby neighborhood. Still, the recent US-China crisis over the Taiwan question has inspired a lot of passionate discussions in the Russian capital, like in many other capitals around the world. What might happen to the volatile security environment...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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