Search: USA (500 materials)


Dis-United Nations and Conceptual Mazes of the New World Order

How to kickstart strategic dialogue between Russia and the United States, given the collapse of all official channels and communication systems? A plethora of fora organized by international institutions this fall, above all by the United Nations with its “ministerial week” involving heads of states and governments and foreign ministers, is a suitable occasion to explore the prospects of a new international order. Or, perhaps, this could be a good chance to transform the existing system of international...


The Erosion and Undermining of the Transatlantic Relationship

From the point of view of Russia, everything that is happening is rather sad and telling What is telling about what is happening now in transatlantic relations is that a great power, in relations with its weak allies, inevitably faces the challenge of its own egoism, writes Valdai Club Programme Director Timofei Bordachev. In the event that we agree now with the most obvious origin of the terrorist attack on the Nord Stream international gas pipeline, then this extraordinary event can be a good...


Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0 Over Ukraine?

It is safe to assume that any use of nuclear weapons could quickly lead to an escalation of a local or regional conflict into a global one It is safe to assume that any use of nuclear weapons could quickly lead to an escalation of a local or regional conflict into a global one. As Henry Kissinger wrote in 2014, “The demonization of Vladimir Putin is not a policy; it is an alibi for the absence of one.” I have commenced my work on this article for two reasons. Firstly, this October will mark sixty...


25 trends in contemporary international relations and world development

... has once again increased in importance. Not only in support of diplomacy and its foreign policy narrative, but also to ensure national security and the very survival of the state. The EWS in Ukraine shows that the use of force is induced by the refusal to fulfill obligations under signed international agreements, such as Minsk-2. That is, the international legal principle of pacta sunt servanda is violated and what is commonly called good faith is missing from the signing of agreements. 19. The ...


China’s 100-year Plan in Ukraine

While Xi Jinping may respect the legitimacy of Russia’s actions to protect its national interests and security in the face of external forces, he has a greater interest in having a bird’s eye view of China’s greatest costs of war During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States competed for global supremacy numerous times by waging proxy wars around the world; Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Angola being the most notable. Today, Russia has been relegated to a secondary power position with...


U.S. Risks Becoming Combatant in Ukraine Special Military Operation

... West-centered. And it will never be again. Today, strong, independent players from developing countries have emerged, and they are increasingly visible. These states and their integration associations do not want to participate in the anti-Russian "crusade" instigated from Washington. While we know that Russian officials have stated that they do not play sides in domestic U.S. politics, it is true that domestic politics have an influence on foreign policy. Is Russia tracking how the upcoming ...


United States in the UN: Bound for Dismantling the Mutual Control of Great Powers

In reforming the UN Security Council, it is necessary to pay heed to the position of all its members, not just to the declaratory statements of a single permanent member state In the run-up to the 77th session of the UN General Assembly , U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Linda Thomas-Greenfield gave a keynote address in San Francisco, where in 1945, at the initiative of the USSR, the U.S. and the U.K., representatives of the UN founding nations held a conference. After a...


Price Cap on Russian Oil: The Mechanism and Its Consequences

In fact, the sellers’ market is being changed into the buyers’ market by artificial political methods rather than for economic reasons G7 countries are working hard to coordinate a sanctions regime to cap prices on Russian oil and oil products. The United States is already drafting a mechanism for applying these sanctions, which its allies and partners will use as a guideline. The new sanctions in the form of legal arrangements are expected to be formalised very soon. How will this mechanism work...


Factors Influencing the World Order's Structure

The future international order from a Russian perspective The world order is changing after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The geopolitical competition and its rules too. Timofei Bordachev, Program Director Valdai Discussion Club, shares his views on how the liberal world order has broken down, the Western’s limited ability to influence the Global South and the future international order from a Russian perspective for “ Ukraine Shifting the World Order” . " Study the historian before you...


Vostok 2022: India’s Participation in Military Exercises

India’s participation in the Vostok 2022 exercises has injected fresh momentum into the relationship, and this is something that both countries need to build on India’s participation in the recently-concluded Vostok 2022 exercises has set in motion a wave of reactions, both in the academic and in the scholarly circles. The country was represented by a contingent of troops from 7/8 Gorkha Rifles, who participated in these exercises between September 1 and 7, held at the training grounds of the Eastern...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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