Search: USA (500 materials)


Forgotten and Unforgettable Science Diplomacy: Towards the Anniversary of Lacy-Zarubin Agreement

The 65th anniversary of the significant arrangement in the history of Soviet-U.S. relations To exist in the Era of Deeds and to stay elevated, alert ain’t so easy, alas.... Joseph Brodsky, 1969 The echo of a Beautiful Era January 27, 2023 will mark the 65 th anniversary of the Lacy-Zarubin Agreement , one of the most significant treaties in the history of U.S.-Soviet relations. From 1958 to 1973, this first-of-its-kind agreement governed exchanges in science, culture, technology, and education...


The Chinese View of the World: Is a Non-Zero-Sum Game Possible?

... Ukraine), the destabilising actions of external forces, including around Taiwan, and the artificial division of the world into autocracies and democracies. However, the new minister is also in no hurry to assign guilt. There are no harsh statements or accusations targeting anyone in the article, although in the text one can trace a neat hint that the problems mentioned did not arise from scratch. Qin Gang is fundamentally tactful, although an attentive reader understands the direction of thought perfectly....


The Distributed World

A View into the Future Nobody has any doubts that what is happening now in Ukraine is not simply a regional conflict but a test for the current international hierarchy. Predictions of the outcome would be woefully premature in any case, but one can try to imagine which principles may form the foundation of a future system of global co-existence and which will be relegated to the past. The following is an edited excerpt from the Valdai Club report “A World Without Superpowers” prepared by a team...


Unprecedented Sanctions? By No Means

We can talk about the relative novelty of the sanctions in terms of the number and intensity of the measures applied. However, for a number of qualitative characteristics, they contain patterns that have been well studied in the past The “sanctions tsunami” against Russia is rightly considered unprecedented since the end of the Cold War. Strictly speaking, it is very difficult to find a suitable analogue of the current situation even in earlier periods. Despite the fact that the sanctions’ target...


Context and Practice of International Politics: Experience in 2022 and Expectations from 2023

As conflict grows over the structure of the future international order, the tension between context and practice can grow as much as it shrinks The dramatic events of 2022, centred on the military-political conflict between Russia and the West over the Ukrainian issue, are a vivid example of the interaction of context and practice in international politics. The global context, within which one cannot help but consider the most acute manifestation of the current clash of interests, is the end of...


2022: End of the End of History

... so-often criticized “policy of double standards” of the United States. In the USSR, under the concrete slabs of socialist ideology, there was also its own version of realism. It has not been reflected upon to the extent that it could be done in the USA. But latently it developed in the environment of academic science, diplomacy and intelligence. The existence of this layer (Yevgeny Primakov later became its icon) allowed Russia to quickly acquire a pragmatic foundation for its foreign policy after ...


India’s Principled Neutrality Reaps Grand Strategic Dividends

India’s pragmatic policy of principled neutrality towards the Ukrainian conflict successfully safeguarded its hard-earned strategic autonomy India’s pragmatic policy of principled neutrality towards the Ukrainian conflict is responsible for turbocharging its rise as a globally significant great power. Delhi’s approach is one whereby it neither supports nor opposes any party to what’s indisputably evolved into a Russian-NATO proxy war in that former Soviet Republic. In practice, this has seen it...


The Prosperity Gospel in American Strategic Culture: A Unique Defense Problem

... The stresses this has placed on the U.S. defense community are immeasurable. Problem 3: Assistance provided through American SCPG creates an ordained international leadership over allies. In PG, there is no explicit shunning of fellow worshipers or refusal to interact and engage with other denominations. However, the quality and equity of that interaction has been called into question, in that there is rarely a fair exchange of ideas, nor is there an expectation on the PG side that another group will ...


Oil Price Threshold: Action and Reaction

... be denied financial, insurance and other services in EU jurisdiction. The wording of paragraph 7 of Art. 3n of EU Council Regulation No 833/2014 suggests that we are talking about any ship, regardless of the country of origin . Yulia Sokolshchik: USA Versus USA: Why American Business Also Loses from Sanctions Similar problems may also arise when a Russian insurance company is set up to serve bulk oil shipments, or if one or another company from friendly countries is involved. Here, the United ...


Istanbul Terrorist Attack: What Awaits Turkey and its Neighbors?

The recent terrorist attack in Istanbul will seriously complicate the U.S. ability to support the YPG if Ankara decides to conduct a new full-scale military operation in Syria A terrorist attack on November 13 in central Istanbul killed six people and injured more than 80. The tragedy took place on the busy pedestrian İstiklal Avenue, about 200 meters from the diplomatic quarter, where the Russian Consulate General and Trade Mission, as well as the Russian school, are located. Turkish police detained...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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