Search: Sanctions (356 materials)


Does Syria’s Road Back to the Arab Family Go Through the UAE?

... not ed the UAE’s “long game on Syria”, possibly as a counter to its regional rival Iran, while others have already speculated about al-Assad’s attempts to find an alternative to the sanctioned Russia. Why the UAE? Ruslan Mamedov: U.S. and EU Sanctions against Syria Currently, the United Arab Emirates is the only Arab Gulf nation to have been visited by President Assad during the Syrian conflict (in March 2022), with both countries witnessing the largest number of reciprocal visits on a high ...


Unprecedented Sanctions? By No Means

We can talk about the relative novelty of the sanctions in terms of the number and intensity of the measures applied. However, for a number of qualitative characteristics, they contain patterns that have been well studied in the past The “sanctions tsunami” against Russia is rightly considered ...


Oil Price Threshold: Action and Reaction

The experience of US law enforcement practice shows that there will be violations of the sanctions regime, and US regulators have developed mechanisms for detecting them The introduction of a price threshold for Russian oil has been discussed for several months. The idea was announced back in early September in a statement by the finance ...


Sanctions Against Russia: Have Their Limits Been Reached?

Russia’s experience shows that despite the damage to the economy and some imbalances, it is possible to adapt to large-scale sanctions Russia has been the target of Western sanctions for several years. The main stages of the escalation were related to the events of 2014 and the adoption of the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act of 2017, the most ambitious ...


USA Versus USA: Why American Business Also Loses from Sanctions

Americans are the leaders in terms of getting fined by the US Treasury but the largest amounts are paid by European financial companies Since February 2022, the Western states have rapidly tightened their policy of sanctions against Russia, which has become the undisputed leader in the number of restrictive measures imposed against it. The United States has shown the most zeal and resolve in this regard. At the same time, Washington has continued to expand restrictions ...


How Russia Sees U.S. Sanctions

... move on our part leads to widespread famine is repeated again and again like a mantra. The fact that only a fraction of grain shipments under the deal reached truly vulnerable nations is being widely disputed. Another fact, that if it were not for the sanctions Russia could cover a significant part of food shortages, is being hushed up. All the while our readiness to immediately send up to 500,000 tons of grain and 300,000 tons of fertilizers to the poorest countries is being criticized as “too little,...


U.S. and EU Sanctions against Syria

The vagueness and breadth of the sanctions permeated an atmosphere of over-compliance that shuns even small projects At this point, the Syrian issue is far from the core of global politics. Meanwhile, the situation in the country could be on the downward path again if there is inadequate ...


Sanctions at a Bifurcation Point

... restructure the mechanisms of its financial and trade relations with foreign countries The deep political crisis in relations that emerged between Russia and the West after February 2022 has led to large-scale changes in the application of economic sanctions. There was a significant increase in the speed, concentration and scope at which sanctions could be applied to one country. At first glance, the policy of sanctions is a narrow and even technical issue. Financial, trade, transport and other ...


RIAC at the XIV RISA Convention. Section “Cooperation with Friendly Countries amid Sanctions Pressure on Russia”

On October 14, 2022, the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) held a section "Cooperation with Friendly Countries amid Sanctions Pressure on Russia" within the framework of the XIV Russian International Studies Association (RISA) Convention On October 14, 2022, the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) held a section "Cooperation with Friendly Countries ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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