Search: Sanctions (356 materials)


Russia is the Past and the EU is the Future?

Montenegro gets behind the anti-Russian sanctions Montenegro’s position on the matter displays a certain duality. Since March 2014, the Montenegrin leadership has expressed its support of the sanctions imposed by the European Union on the Russian government and on individuals and organizations....


The Iran Deal: A Template for Russia?

On July 14 Iran and its P5+1 negotiating partners agreed a "Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action" to resolve western concerns over the goals of Iran's nuclear programs. The deal marks the end of 36 years of western sanctions on Iran. Upon affirmation of the JCPOA by the full United Nations Security Council, most sanctions in force against Iran will be terminated. The P5+1 consists of the five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany, which has supplied ...


Building Trust between Russia and the West — Already Impossible?

... has asked one of the German prominent experts, Andreas Metz , Director of Communications in the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, to share his views on Russia-Ukraine-EU knot and to draw some parallels between Russia and Iran under sanctions. Do you see any similarities between Iran under sanctions and Russia? How German business is doing in Iran? I am not an expert on Iran but I know that it shows that sanctions don't work in the short run. And if you compare Iran to Russia, it ...


SPIEF 2015: Economic Opportunities in Russia Trump Western Political and Security Concerns

... security and business interests over Russia limits the West's success going forward vis-à-vis Moscow. Political differences continue to clash in Europe regarding Russia, despite the fact that EU foreign ministers unanimously extended sanctions against Russia through January 2016. But that level of coherence is even less visible in the business sector. European and American companies, despite scaling back their exposure to the Russian market, have largely committed to maintaining ...


How Italy is Paying a High Price for Anti-Russian Policies

Just a few days ago the European Union has confirmed that the economic sanctions against the Russian Federation were extended for another year, or specifically up to 19th January 2016. Despite attempts to minimize the perceived impact of this policy on the economy of the EU in the eyes of the public opinion, the price being ...


Arctic Council Gets New Leader: what choice will Washington make?

... numerous problems that faced the Arctic Council as a result of changes in the global geopolitical situation. In 2014–2015 the Arctic became part of the Ukraine conflict. In September 2014, the United States and the European Union imposed economic sanctions against Russia that banned ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and other European and U.S. companies from taking part in joint Arctic projects with Rosneft. This affected Russia’s opportunities to develop offshore resources. With the introduction of ...


Greece-Russia Relations: A New Beginning?

... European «solidarity» that appears tailored to serve primarily the domestic political interests of these «core» countries without much regard for Greece's own. In economic relations, Russia plays a critical role vis-a-vis Greece. EU sanctions have crippled Greek-Russian trade at a time Greece is literally gasping for breath in the choke-hold of the lenders. With no relief from Brussels in sight, Mr. Tsipras is all too justified in seeking one-on-one deliberations with Russia on how ...


Helsinki +40 Seminar Held in Stockholm

... future OSCE PA role with the focus on Ukraine crisis and prospects for relationship between Europe and Russia. Opinions have been voiced that time has come to change the key and regard Russia as part of Europe rather than plunge into confrontation, the sanctions being vestiges of the past and hardly effective as foreign policy tools since they damage both Russia and European countries. Many said that the OSCE seems the least efficient organization in the Ukraine context. It was the third Helsinki+40 ...


RIAC at the Session of EU-Russia Strategy Group

... relations between Russia and the European Union, the event was attended by over 30 key foreign affairs experts from Germany, Poland, France, Great Britain, Sweden, Holland, Spain, Norway, Austria, Estonia and Slovakia, who discussed the effects of EU sanctions on Russia and its European partners and their possible moderation, current and future Russia-China relations, and Moscow’s Asia pivot, scenarios for Ukraine crisis and European security issues in its context.


Go East and List

... being outside of the MMoU had been a major issue for Russian companies considering capital raising in China, and fears were expressed as late as January that, amidst ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Russia's signing of the MMoU might be further delayed. Sanctions have been most effective in squeezing Russian banks and businesses by preventing them from meeting their borrowing needs. In April of last year Russian President Vladimir Putin called on Russian companies to delist from Western stock exchanges,...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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