Search: Sanctions (356 materials)


What Сan Britain Do in Response to Russian Nerve Attack?

... facilities of each other. The question is how significant these expulsions will be in the UK case. For instance, expulsion of the Russian Ambassador in London would be a very strong signal – even the US so far has chosen not to go that far. Financial sanctions British action : Individuals linked to the Kremlin could be hit with financial sanctions including the withdrawal of visas and the seizing of assets. Tough new sanctions against Russian officials involved in corruption and human rights abuse ...


Disillusionment and Missed Opportunities: Russia-U.S. Relations in 2017

... for consultations on Ukraine, the parties could not start the process of restoring U.S.-Russia relations, nor could they even prevent relations from deteriorating further. This past summer, Congress started active work on a new round of anti-Russian sanctions, which was almost unanimously passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate at the end of July. Trump signed the sanctions bill into law on August 2, although he did voice his displeasure with the document. The adoption of the new sanctions ...


The EU Companies May Be Affected by the New US Sanctions

..., at times their approaches to international challenges differ. Tony van der Togt, Senior Research Fellow at Netherlands Institute of International Relations shares his thoughts on relations between the European Union and the United States regarding sanctions as well as the split on Russia. We have now all seen the new Kremlin document, issued by the US Government. Do you think it is going to somehow affect EU-Russia economic relations? In practice nothing really new is happening. What matters ...


Sanctions Have Not Been So Bad

Interview with Dr Richard Connolly, Associate Fellow for Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House With sanctions regime being present since 2014, Russia’s relations with the United States and the European Union have not been easy. Previously, the EU has been mostly in line with sanctions proposed by the US. Taken the possibility of new sanctions being ...


How Should Russia Respond to an Adversarial West?

... a similar rethink. Russia faces a number of forks in the road, which could determine the direction of its foreign policy. Relations with the West are a priority. The United States and the European Union this year will increase pressure on Russia via sanctions, military deterrence and information warfare. Russia will respond in kind, though the balance of power is significantly skewed in the West’s favor. Broadly speaking, the aim of Western countries is to change Russia’s approach to Ukraine....


US Sanctions Against Russia: Useless Lists? The Future of Article 241

... their incomes, as well as the incomes of their families, and the assets they own. The report must also indicate an assessment of advisability of blacklisting these individuals and organizations by the Treasury Department, that is, applying existing sanctions to them. The list turned out to be fairly compact, which is not surprising, because the time allocated for preparing it was limited. However, the anti-Russia lobby could have pushed for more extensive lists, since this is a one-time report, ...


Iran's Hot Winter Month of Dey

... corruption. The demonstrations quickly became political and spread to around 100 population centres across the country within a couple of days. In 2012, the EU and the U.S. (which were later supported by a number of other countries) introduced unilateral sanctions against Iran. On Dey 22 (January 12, 2018), U.S. President Donald Trump said his country would withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran unless the document were revised to eliminate what he believed to be substantial ...


US Sanctions against Russia: The Forecast for 2018

... Russia should have no illusions about a reversal of course in the near future. We must also avoid underestimating the efficiency of the tools to pressure us. These trends need to be thoroughly analyzed and monitored. Everything you want to know about how sanctions work So, the executive authorities will submit at least seven reports to Congress in 2018, which can be divided into three groups. The first group includes reports drawn up mostly by the US Department of the Treasury. The U.S. Treasury is the ...


Trio in Tehran

... Syrian conflict resolution, noted the effectiveness of cooperation between Russia and Iran. In other words, the last meeting can be regarded as Moscow's response to Washington's threats against Iran. The feeling that Iran and Russia are in the same sanctions boat appeared in 2014 after the accession of the Crimea. As the U.S. pressure increased, the consolidation of the sides based on the counteraction to Washington only intensified. An attempt to bring collective anti-Americanism to a new level ...


Ousting the JCPOA

... dealing with North Korea,” Trump stated . Rhetorically, this allows Washington to fall back on the axis-of-evil vocabulary. Furthermore, Trump also said in his statement that the previous U.S. administration had partially lifted the anti-Iranian sanctions just as the regime was about to collapse; therefore, reinstating the sanctions now appears to be a logical move aimed at correcting President Obama’s mistakes. It should be noted that Iran has done a much better job at halvanizing the public’s ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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