Search: Sanctions (356 materials)


The New DETER Bill: Can Sanctions Help Deter Russia?

... of “election interference” will remain salient, though some fatigue has already set in. Most likely, its prominence will abate in the US political conversation, though it will remain on the international agenda. It will also remain tethered to US sanctions on Russia, and sanctions will continue to be viewed as a means of deterring Moscow. In general, taking a hard line on Russia is a winning play for congressmen from both parties. It is essentially a failsafe way to gain political capital, which ...


Meeting with Executive Vice President for the U.S.–Russia Business Council Randi Levinas

... Business Council (USRBC), visited Russian International Affairs Council. The following issues were touched upon during the meeting with RIAC staff: the current state and future development of Russia-the U.S. economic relations, possible content of new U.S. sanctions against Russia, the role of private sector in restoring cooperation between the two countries. USRBC and RIAC representatives also discussed various promising formats for interaction between the two organizations.


Firewood and Coal: U.S.–Russia Relations without Mueller

... fresh wood for the fire. RIAC-CSIS Report “Key Challenges in U.S.-Russian Relations: Are Collaborative Approaches Possible?” We should not expect any changes in Washington’s stance on Moscow. Trump and his administration have set the tone for the sanctions policy. The notions of “hostile politics” and “interference in the affairs of allies” are gaining momentum. Mueller will not be there. This means that the facts can be interpreted in a number of ways, replacing the American plotlines ...


Mueller Report: A Reason for Optimism

... mid-term elections in November 2018, although the thesis about the “inevitability” of such interference on the eve of the elections was virtually unquestioned in Washington. Second, last year's most gloomy forecasts about the new round of American sanctions against Russia did not materialise. At least for the time being, the White House is seeking to avoid a hasty and irresponsible escalation that could damage not only Vladimir Putin personally, but also the global financial and economic system ...


Discussion "Self-Reliance: a Chimera, Forced Strategy, or Real Opportunities?"

... Affairs" magazine, HSE School of World Economy and International Affairs Research Professor. Ivan Timofeev, RIAC Director of Programs, was the key speaker at the session on “Closed World: Development Under External Pressure” with a lecture on “Sanctions and Other Types of Economic War: Degree of Impact on Economic Development, Ways to Minimize Damage”. The meeting was also attended by Nikolay Markotkin, RIAC Media and Government Relations Manager, Vladimir Morozov, RIAC Program Manager, project ...


Mueller never heard our side

Russian Senator Konstantin Kosachev tells Christiane Amanpour why he thinks the Mueller investigation was biased and "not a fair approach." Russian Senator Konstantin Kosachev tells Christiane Amanpour why he thinks the Mueller investigation was biased and "not a fair approach Source: CNN


America’s Polyphonic Russian Policy

... singled out the establishment of new components within the Treasury’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (TFI), since one of them will focus on Russia. The creation of a mechanism of this kind can hardly be regarded as a new step in the sanctions policy toward Moscow. Still, the overall attitude toward Russia is becoming increasingly tough and uncompromising, leaving little space for meaningful dialogue. The announcement of new components within TFI was part of a detailed report on its ...


Five Years of the Sanctions Troika

The sanctions will be extended regardless of who sits in the White House Ivan Timofeev, Vladimir Morozov: Sanctions against Russia: 2018 Review and Forecast for 2019 US President Donald Trump has extended Executive Order #13660 of 6 March 2014, titled ...


Who Will Rebuild Syria: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

... with, and involvement in projects linked to the Syrian government. This creates a hurdle on the way to Syria’s reconstruction as many businessmen find their own funds—as well as international funds, companies and suppliers—inaccessible. Economic Sanctions as an Obstacle Andrey Kortunov, Michel Duclos: Four Dreadful Scenarios for Tomorrow’s Syria and What We Can Do To Avoid Them Economic sanctions have been successful in limiting the activity of Syria’s economic actors. It didn’t put them ...


The Biggest Problem is to Be Caught Deliberately Violating Sanctions

The PDVSA case raises important questions concerning Russian banks’ strategy regarding U.S. sanctions In terms of sanctions, February was significant due to reports about certain ties between Russia’s Gazprombank and PDVSA, Venezuela’s monopolist in oil production. On February 10, Gazprombank refuted a report by Reuters that PDVSA’s ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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