Search: Sanctions (356 materials)


Can Russia Plug Through US Sanctions to Reconstruct Syria?

Russia should not necessarily wait for the Europeans to join its rebuilding efforts As the United States eyes new sanctions on Syria, Russia increasingly finds it needs to work out solutions that would nonetheless push forward the post-conflict reconstruction in the country the way Moscow envisions them. Syria has been subject to legislatively mandated US penalties ...


Tanker Incidents: Who Blinks First?

... its relations with the United States and its allies has narrowed considerably. The development of the current crisis began in May 2018, following the unilateral US withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal (JCPOA). The Americans resumed heavy economic sanctions, blocking, among other things, the supply of Iranian oil to foreign markets. In May 2019, the situation began to deteriorate rapidly. On the one hand, the Americans further strengthened the sanctions, removing exemptions for eight key nations ...


Europe Under Fire from US Secondary Sanctions

Special Report for SPIEF-2019 There are several reasons why the European Union is increasingly proactive in applying economic sanctions. First, the EU has emerged as one of the largest global economies with vast technological, industrial, and human resources. Second, the foreign policy tools used by Brussels are traditionally economic and based on soft power. The EU’s limited ...


"Sanctions and World Energy" Round Table

On June 5, 2019, a round table on “Sanctions and World Energy” was held at Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC). Ivan Timofeev, RIAC Director of Programs, and Adam Stulberg, Director of the Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy (CISTP) in the Sam Nunn School ...


US–Iran Conflict Would Strengthen China’s Position in the Middle East

Any US action in Iran would profoundly benefit China’s interests in Iran and strengthen its position across the region China’s rise in the Middle East is not simply a case of debt-trap diplomacy or expanding Chinese influence, it requires an ideological shift to accommodate a new regional player and the process of institutional change that that brings. Any US action in Iran would profoundly benefit China’s interests in Iran and strengthen its position across the region. Inviting China’s capital...


One More Time, Trade Wars Make Us Suggest the Lifting of Sanctions

... paradigm of the “zero-sum game”: if we cannot solve our problems on our own, we have to force others to solve them, making them incapable of “getting ahead”. The key elements of the conflict unfolding before our eyes are trade wars and economic sanctions, which are aimed at changing the policy of a country or a group of countries. However, if trade wars pursue economic goals through maximizing the benefits of national producers, sanctions most often reflect foreign policy goals. The famous scholar ...


Sanctions Policy: The ‘European Paradox’

The commonality of the political positions of the United States and the EU will ensure the status quo Since the end of the Cold War, economic sanctions have increasingly been used by big players as a tool of foreign policy. The initiators of sanctions use trade and financial restrictions to try to force the target countries to change course politically as well as to influence internal political ...


Helping Iran to Make the Right Choice

... rejected the Iranian policies of its predecessors and replaced the latter’s rapprochement approach with increased military, diplomatic and economic pressure on the Islamic Republic. The White House walked out of the JCPOA, introduced new and tough sanctions against Tehran, and started energetically building a broad anti-Iran coalition in the region. As might be expected, this dramatic change in US policy is profoundly impacting the balance of political powers within Iran — reformers and pragmatics ...


Russia Consolidating Its Position in Iraq Amid Anti-Iran Sanctions

... operate the battle tanks after they had received training from Russian trainers, according to Rossiyskaya Gazeta. As Abadi put it, Iraqi-Russian ties “remained substantive and they were not influenced by the US.” On a regional scale, the anti-Iran sanctions badly dent Iraq’s possible commercial transactions. Starting from early May, the United States will end its six-month sanctions waivers for oil imports that have allowed eight governments to do business with Iran. Although Iraq does not import ...


RIAC at MGIMO Forum “Values and Interests in Communication between Russia and the West”

... development of relations between Russia and the EU countries with the US, the key issues on the international agenda, upon which the countries have major disagreements. The session on “The Role of Values ​​and Interests in Reviving the Policy of Sanctions and Trade Wars in the 21st Century” was organized within the framework of the forum. The session was moderated by Timur Makhmutov, RIAC Deputy Director of Programs. Vladimir Morozov, RIAC Program Manager, Sergey Tkachenko, Professor at St....


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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