Search: Russia (500 materials)


Why International Institutions Overlook the Persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church?

... religious freedom during several recent decades, strangely keep silent at a time when the rights of Orthodox believers in Ukraine are trampled underfoot. The government agencies lack sufficient resolve to condemn Kiev’s religious policy. Finally, when Russia raises this issue at the UN Security Council, referring to the UN Charter and expressing concern over the problems faced by its Christian Orthodox brethren, whose rights are violated, other Security Council members insist that whatever is transpiring ...


US Sanctions Against Companies from Kyrgyzstan: A New Trend?

Such sanctions are unlikely to ensure the blockade of Russia desired by the Western initiators. This was not achieved even with respect to Iran, whose economy is smaller than Russia's Another package of US sanctions has caused a stir in connection with restrictive measures against companies from Kyrgyzstan ...


The US and its allies have done more to nationalize the Russian business elite than anyone could have imagined

Washington spent a century trying to spread its ideology to Moscow. Now it has sanctioned our most ardent capitalists. How to even describe this sort of hypocrisy? The imposition of US sanctions against the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) is something of a paradox. The RSPP reflects the interests of businessmen and companies - ie. the locomotives of the capitalist economy. So, by definition, these are the very people who most believe ...


If you have mutual trust and mutual respect, you can produce miracles

I believe the current crisis does not give incentives for the mainstream expert community in Russia to open up to the West anytime soon At the height of the Cold War, the Esalen Institute made a difference in Soviet-US relations, initiating and maintaining some of them through Esalen Track-2 and Track-1.5 Diplomacy. Today Multi-Track Diplomacy ...


Nuclear Metamorphoses

... that nuclear weapons—for as long as they exist—should serve defensive purposes, deter aggression, and prevent war.” [ 1 ] These provisions, in slightly different versions, are endlessly repeated in official documents of the UN, the OSCE and NATO, Russia, the United States, China, the UK and France, as well as other nuclear-weapon states, [ 2 ] not to mention the libraries of scientific and political literature on the subject. Nevertheless, these mottoes are by no means as unambiguous as they seem....


Weapons Against Armour. What Do the ’Red Flags’ of Foreign Sanctions Regulators Mean?

... Western markets, the search for alternative suppliers in friendly countries, as well as reliable mechanisms for financial transactions that are not related to the US dollar or other Western currencies The significant number of sanctions against Russia has naturally led to an increase in the number of attempts to circumvent them. If before the start of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine (SMO) in February 2022, investigations into violations of sanctions regimes against Russia were a rather ...


July Summits: EU-CELAC Summit, a Bittersweet Victory for Latin America; Africa-Russia Summit, Another Brick in Building a Multipolar and Post-Hegemonic World

In July 2023, two notable international summits took place: the European Union-Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (EU-CELAC) Summit and the Africa-Russia Summit. Below are some impressions to assess to compare the implications of both events. A comparative analysis of the final declarations of both summits yields the following impressions: Although the EU-CELAC Summit had a relatively positive outcome ...


What North-South International Transport Corridor Means for Iran

A golden route to the economic prosperity of Iran? Recently, the development of the North-South international transportation corridor has been widely discussed in Russia, due to its economic benefits, as well as reorientation of the Russian economy from West to East. This route is the shortcut from Russia to India. It was first used by the Russian merchant Afanasy Nikitin back in the 15th century, and then later ...


Upsurge in Upheaval

When al-Sisi became the country’s new president in 2014, Russia and Egypt entered a new stage in their bilateral relations The anniversary of the inauguration of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi on June 30, 2013 was celebrated in the wake of an alarming situation. For several days, Morsi’s opponents shook ...


Is Russia Losing India?

The whole idea that someone—be it Moscow, Washington or Beijing—can ‘lose’ India looks excessively arrogant, if not completely preposterous Is Russia losing India? They raise this question at practically every conference, workshop or an expert meeting on Russian-Indian relations since the times of the Soviet disintegration in early 1990s. Quite often, the predominant views expressed by participants ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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