Search: France (173 materials)


France : État d’urgence ? (State of emergency?)

Jihadist took over Paris Ø It isn’t the first time France faces radical religious terrorism (Groupe Islamique Armé in the 1990’s). Ø It isn’t the first time terrorist attacks are conducted against Charlie Hebdo (the one in 2011 following the re-publishing of Danish caricatures),...


Charlie Hebdo: Take a Side

... Minister Bernard Cazeneuve having already confirmed recently that at least 930 French nationals are fighting for the jihad abroad. Even more importantly, their accent and knowledge of the French language betray that they probably originate from inside France. Pointing in the direction of Islamic extremism, only presumably at the moment of this writing, there are the accounts of witnesses who heard the shooters yell “Allahu Akbar” and “We will avenge the Prophet”, and they even ...


Nicolas Sarkozy's Comeback

The results of the election for the new President of the leading center-right party – the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) – were announced in France on the evening of November 29, 2014. One-time French President (2007-2012) Nicolas Sarkozy gained 64.5 per cent of the vote of party members with a record turnout after a significant pause for tabulation. It was a clear win, especially when compared ...


Igor Ivanov Met Delegation of French Foreign Ministry

On September 16, 2014, RIAC President Igor Ivanov and Director General Andrey Kortunov received a delegation of the French Foreign Ministry composed of France's Ambassador in Russia Jean-Maurice Ripert, Foreign Ministry Director for Policy Planning Justin Vaisse, and other Foreign Ministry and Embassy officers. The sides discussed the Ukraine crisis, Russia-EU dialogue, future of Greater Europe, Eurasian ...


The Conference in Paris and the Experience of the Swiss Meetings

An attempt to move beyond the traditional system of high-level meetings A high-level international conference on the situation in Iraq is taking place today in France, discussing cooperation in the fight against the fundamentalist militants of the “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant”. The importance of this event can scarcely be exaggerated: it’s not just about the fate of the long-suffering ...


France and Ukraine: Does a Raison d'État still exist?

Interview with Yuri Rubinsky Several days ago France saw one more cabinet of ministers disbanded. Frantically trying to return quickly disappearing confidence and breathe new life into the country’s stagnating economy, French President François Hollande is also playing quite the ambiguous ...


Hollande’s Government Reshuffle: Will Anything Change?

... government? How will it cope with all the problems and criticism? Are there any prospects for future economic development? Sure, there are prospects for the future of our economic development. It is important to remember, especially in Russia, that France boasts some economic disadvantages, but also some strong economic assets. There is a traditional spirit of entrepreneurship, significant savings are in private hands. The problem is the level of state spending in comparison to other western countries....


Andrey Kortunov at Workshop “German, French Polish and Russian Opinions of Russia’s Foreign Policy”

On May 27, 2014 in Paris, Dr. Kortunov participated in the closed-door workshop “German, French Polish and Russian Opinions of Russia’s Foreign Policy” organized by the Committee on French-German Relations ( CEFRA ) and the French Institute for International Relations ( IFRI ). Dr. Kortunov delivered a report on the political dimensions of energy cooperation between Russia and the EU, and later met IFRI Vice-President on Strategic Development Thomas Gomart on future cooperation...


RIAC Participates in International Colloquium “France-Russia”

Second “France-Russia” international colloquium (the first event took place in spring 2013) was carried out on April 24 in Paris by French-Russian think tank Observatoire franсo-russe , Institut de relations internationales et strategiques and Chambre ...


France: Manuel Valls as Prime Minister - Implications

Interview The outcome of the recent municipal elections in France has confirmed the Socialists’ declining popularity and the rise of the extreme right National Front Party. What sort of developments can we expect on the French political scene? What will François Hollande do to salvage his ratings?...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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