Search: Sanctions (356 materials)


Pandemic Amid an Economic Crisis: Challenges for Syria

... has brought new challenges to Syria. According to data from the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia published on September 23, 2020, the damage done to the Syrian economy by the end of 2019 exceeded USD 442 bn. Still, under sanctions and with no international consensus on how to finance recovery, the country has not only failed to overcome the acute economic crisis but has also been hit by the negative consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, compounded by an unstable situation ...


US Elections and Sanctions Against Russia

Three key risks for Russia On the eve of the US presidential election, there is growing interest in what the policy of sanctions against Russia will be if one of the candidates wins. Will they become more stringent if Joe Biden wins? Should we expect an escalation from the Trump administration? Do elections play any role in the policy of sanctions? Igor Ivanov: Choice ...


U.S. and European Sanctions on Syria

The Carter Center Report The Carter Center Report The U.S. has maintained sanctions against Syria since the 1970s. However, the majority of current U.S. sanctions on Syria were imposed in two broad phases: a first phase in the 2000s that U.S. policymakers stated was a response to Syrian support for terrorism, activities in ...


USA vs. JCPOA: How Can Russia and China Respond?

The worst scenario for the United States is the consolidated actions of Moscow and Beijing on military-technical cooperation with Iran on the basis of Resolution 2231 A new round of escalation of US sanctions pressure on Iran is taking place in connection with Tehran’s “violation” of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (hereinafter referred to as the JCPOA or “nuclear deal”). It is connected with the expiration of the embargo on the ...


RIAC at the 20th Annual Conference at American Chamber of Commerce in Russia

... "Business Life after Covid: Back on Track?" took place. The main topics of the conference were the impact of the pandemic on globalization and its lasting effect for business. The participants also discussed the risks of further escalation of sanctions against Russia, their impact on the business of foreign companies in Russia, and the process of post-covid economic recovery. Ivan Timofeev, RIAC Director of Programs, spoke at the opening of the conference.


Don’t Expect Sanctions to Stop Nord Stream II

The story so far and why it’s time to let go Republican Senator Ted Cruz has become the principal Sisyphus-like character to take over the task of rolling the boulder of sanctions against Nord Stream II. The last four years have seen tumultuous U.S. sanctioning efforts against the project and have epitomized an outdated, stale, and dangerous policy against the Russian Federation that should be re-prioritized and established ...


US Left Isolated, Iran Nuclear Deal Under Threat: What Will Crisis Over Iran in UN Security Council Lead to?

... Council was simply impossible. However, the arms embargo was imposed for five years and expires in October 2020. Washington has made an attempt to extend these restrictions, and at the same time to renew the full-scale effect of UN Security Council sanctions against Iran, accusing it of non-compliance with the JCPOA. Pyotr Kortunov: JCPOA: Forward Into the Past The efforts of the US delegation at the UN turned out to be deplorable — first in the Security Council, the American draft resolution ...


Is China Following Russia's Footsteps by Dealing With the EU as an Outcast?

... gridlock in Ukraine. Russia's subsequent involvement in the issue, with bold actions in Crimea and the incident with Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, led to a political outcry in the EU. The main tool applied by the EU to reprehend Russia was economic sanctions and restrictions targeted at Russian officials and individuals. In order to overcome political stalemate, all the concerned parties initiated the Minsk negotiation process, which went through several rounds of talks in 2014-2015 and finally ...


Taking Aim at Major Corporations

it is not uncommon for the United States to impose sanctions on its own allies and even American companies The United States’ sanctions are commonly associated with “America’s enemies” like Iran, the DPRK, Cuba and Venezuela. Russia joined this list in 2014, and since last year China has been ...


Trump’s TikTok Ban: US-China Escalation Goes Digital

... list. In practice, this means that the PRC citizens who were included in the SDN list will be largely deprived of banking services, and also lose the opportunity to make use of the services of multinational companies. All such companies fear secondary sanctions and fines from the US authorities. Naturally, in the PRC, there is the possibility to make use of internal banking, aside from global banks (Chinese banks operating in the global market are still extremely careful about the US sanctions regimes)....


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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