Search: Sanctions (356 materials)


A Grey Swan: Is There a New Conflict in Donbass?

... bellicose statements on the currency and stock markets. However, investors have again started talking about "geopolitical risk". The key concern stems from the fact that the resumption of a large-scale armed conflict will inevitably lead to new sanctions against Russia. Moreover, the scale of such restrictions is difficult to predict, which gives rise to the uncertainty of expectations. Should strict sanctions be viewed as a baseline scenario? What is to be expected from the development of the ...


US Sanctions Against Iran and the Future of the JCPOA: A View From Tehran and Moscow

Moscow believes that for JCPOA talks to be successful, Washington and Tehran must synchronise their concessions: the former unfreezes Iranian assets and lifts sanctions, the latter is gradually returning to the terms of the deal. But will the United States and Iran agree to that? Joseph Biden’s victory in the US election raised hopes for a revision of the American approach to the Iranian nuclear deal. Washington ...


EAEU–Iran Trade and Its Prospects

... of pivoting to Asia and its markets. The move started to take shape back in the 2000s and was mainly motivated by economic trends , namely, the growing need in energy resources of the rapidly developing Asian economies, such as China and India. Then sanctions followed, and following the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal in May 2018 the pressure has considerably increased. All this made the Iranian elites to become disenchanted with the idea of fostering economic ties with Europe, as businesses ...


Sino-Russian Relations Are Still Not an Alliance, but They Are More Than Partnership

... countries need to increase youth exchanges and raise awareness about the culture, history and society of each other. Zhao Huasheng, Andrey Kortunov: The Coming Bipolarity and Its Implications: Views from China and Russia Europe and the US have ratcheted up sanctions on Russia and China over human rights, but avoided economic sanctions comparatively. Are these sanctions a show of their hegemony? Some Russian scholars believe the sanctions will be a new normal in Russia and China's relations with the West....


Ensuring Sustainable Development and Peace: Who in the UN is Against it?

Despite calls from the United Nations, the Global North does not deem it necessary to change its sanctions policies March 2021 marks a year since the World Health Organization announced that the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 had turned into a pandemic. Despite the highly negative socioeconomic consequences it had for the international ...


Sanctions Against Russia: A Look into 2021

Report 65/2021 Report 65/2021 The report analyses the application of foreign sanctions against Russian citizens, companies and economy sectors. It also considers global trends in the use of sanctions and restrictive measures against Russia within individual areas (the “Ukrainian package,” sanctions against pipeline projects,...


What to Do with Extraterritorial Sanctions? EU Responses

The main priority remains the development of the EU’s own sanctions policy One of the important decisions of the new US administration was its revision of the sanctions policy inherited from President Donald Trump. The “toxic” assets of the departed team include deterioriated relations with the European ...


Washington Ill-Prepared to Set Human Rights Agenda

... likely to hear strong rhetoric on human rights coming out of the White House and the State Department. We will observe multiple human rights-focused US initiatives in international organizations. And we will also see new American human rights-related sanctions against Moscow and Beijing. Ivan Timofeev: Biden's Sanctions Policy. The First Steps Still, at the end of the day, this strategy might turn out to be less successful than the new US leaders anticipate. No matter how Russian or Chinese governments ...


Online Meeting with a Group of International Sberbank Partner Investors

... funds, partners of Sberbank. In the course of the meeting Andrey Kortunov highlighted the state and prospects for Russia's relations with the United States, the European Union, China, and post-Soviet neighbors. Other topics included possible new Western sanctions against Russia, options for resolving crisis situations in various regions of the world, and the limits of the current de-globalization of the world economy and politics. The discussion was moderated by Yaroslav Lisovolik, RIAC Member, Senior ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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