Search: Sanctions (356 materials)


Russian Debt and Sanctions. Amended Again

In the United States, there is a renewed discussion about the advisability of expanding sanctions on Russian sovereign debt In the United States, there is a renewed discussion about the advisability of expanding sanctions on Russian sovereign debt. Similar sanctions already exist: they were introduced sequentially by Donald Trump and Joseph ...


War Between Russia and Ukraine: A Basic Scenario?

... international political consequences for Russia which resulted from the military campaigns were relatively insufficient. No foreign state has intervened openly in these conflicts. Foreign military aid does not radically alter the balance of power. Economic sanctions in their current form harm the Russian economy, but they are still not the main factor contributing to existing problems. The economy itself is stable. In short, there are no major checks and balances on a new military campaign. The third circumstance ...


Dialogue through sanctions is unacceptable and violates international law

We regard all attempts to impede Russian oil and gas exports to Europe as unfair competition Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question. Dear Ambassador, could you please comment on the State Department's plans to expand the sanctions in the context of the Nord Stream 2 project? Anatoly Antonov: The U.S. administration, both Republicans and Democrats, has been trying to complicate the Russian-European energy cooperation for several years now. At first, Washington wanted to ...


U.S. Sanctions Push Huawei to Re-Invent Itself and Look Far into the Future

... responsibility will transform into momentum for moving us forward, into courage for our all-out fight.” Regardless of how encouraging the Chinese tech giant heiress’s words may sound, the fact remains that the company remains a target of U.S. prosecution and sanctions—something that is not about to change anytime soon. When the Sanctions Bite Ivan Danilin: A New Stage in the U.S.–China Tech War: Huawei and Other U.S. Targets It was former U.S. President Donald Trump who in May 2019 signed an order that ...


USA-Iran: Why Is the Deal Stalled?

... return to negotiating the JCPOA. The new administration aims to overcome the legacy of Donald Trump, who unilaterally broke the deal even though it was sealed by UN Security Council Resolution 2231 of 2015 . In 2018, Trump renewed the unilateral US sanctions against Iran , and went on to tighten the restrictive measures even further . Eventually Iran also began to refuse the deal, resuming uranium enrichment to 20% in accordance with the law “ On the strategic measures for the lifting of sanctions ...


Afghanistan may face famine because of anti-Taliban sanctions

... assistance to Afghanistan amounts to about five billion US dollars, but this sum is not enough to satisfy the needs of the country’s population Afghanistan may face a food crisis under the Taliban (outlawed in Russia) rule because this movement is under sanctions of both individual states and the United Nations, Andrei Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council, told TASS on Monday. "A food crisis and famine in Afghanistan are not ruled out. Indeed, Afghanistan is now ...


American weapons in Taliban hands

Washington’s abandonment of ammunition and armory in Afghanistan is in direct violation of the existing UN sanctions regime The hasty withdrawal of the U.S. forces from Afghanistan attests to both the indifference of the U.S. administration as regards the future of Afghanistan as a state and the neglect for its obligations to its allies. Besides, Washington ...


Afghanistan in the Grip of Sanctions

... against the Taliban now affect the country as a whole The fall of the Afghan government amid the withdrawal of American troops and the capture of most of Afghanistan by the Taliban raised a number of questions regarding international and unilateral sanctions. Since 1999, the Taliban have been under UN sanctions. Restrictive measures have been applied to the movement by the United States, the European Union and a number of other jurisdictions, its leaders and individual branches. The existing sanctions ...


Sanctions Against Belarus: A Hybrid Option

The effect of US sanctions will be much stronger in comparison with the restrictive measures of the EU and other countries Another package of economic sanctions has been introduced against Belarus. US President Joe Biden signed a new executive order expanding both the ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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