All projects
BRICS in a Changing World Order
Future of Greater Europe
Vectors of Development of Eastern European Countries: Challenges for Russia
East Asia: Russia’s Foreign Policy Priorities
Globalization 2.0: New Approaches to Research and Teaching
Global Science
RIAC Urban Breakfasts
Eurasian Economic Integration: Effective Ways of Expert Cooperation
Евразийское направление внешней политики России: возможности для развития сотрудничества России и государств — членов ЕАЭС
The Political Dimensions of Green Agenda
RIAC Winter School “Migration in the Global World”
Исламский фактор в современной мировой политике
Global Prospects Contest
Nationwide Contest for Young Foreign-Affairs Journalists
Issues in the New Security Environment in the Euro-Atlantic
Summer school "Roadmap for international cooperation in the Arctic"
Summer School “Interactive Resources for Public and Corporate Diplomacy”
Summer School "Youth Summit on Asia – Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) objectives, priorities and perspectives"
Summer School “The situation in Central Asia: security, economy, human development”
RIAC and EEC Summer school “Eurasian Economic Integration: priorities, perspectives, instruments”
International Migration: Challenges and Opportunities for Russia
International Dimensions of Cybersecurity
International Dimensions of Technology Policy
Russia’s International Science and Technology Cooperation
International Cooperation in the Arctic
Международные и социальные последствия использования технологий искусственного интеллекта
Monograph "Britain’s Dilemmas: In Search of Ways for Development"
New Eastern Europe: Analysis of the Situation and Strategic Position of Russia in Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltic, and European Part of the Post-Soviet Space
A New Agenda for Russia–UK Relations
Russia and France: a New Agenda
Organizing International Peer Review for of The Russian Science Foundation Projects
Raising the Efficiency of Russia’s Participation in G8, G20 and BRICS
Political and economic dynamics in the countries of Central Asia
Studying the New World Order
Russia and Georgia: Ways to Solve Problems in Bilateral Relations
Devising Mechanisms and Tools for Russia’s Science Diplomacy
Preparing Recommendations for the Internationalization of Russian Higher Education to Raise its Quality and Competitiveness, 2013-2017
Security and Development in the Middle East: Trends and Challenges
Russian Strategy in Africa
Russia-US Cybersecurity Dialogue
German-Russian International Affairs Dialogue
Russia — USA — China: Protectionism, Security, and Competition in High Technologies
Russia and the Asia-Pacific: Conceptual Basis for Security and Development Policy
Russia and Vietnam: Limits and Opportunities of Bilateral Relations
Russia and Greece: Prospects and Opportunities for Bilateral Relations
Russia and EU: Partnership Opportunities and Building of a Think Tank Network
Russia and India: Toward a New Bilateral Agenda
Russia and Iran: Bilateral Cooperation and Regional Context
Russia-Italy Relations: Bilateral Cooperation and the Regional Context
Russia and Italy: Mediterranean Dialogues
Russia and China: Partnership in the Context of Security Challenges and Development in the Asia Pacific
Russia and Mexico: New Bilateral Relations
Russia and Pakistan: Approaches to Security and Development in South Asia
Russia and Republic of Korea: an Outlook for Bilateral Relations
Russia and the Western Balkans
Russia and the US: Problems in Bilateral Relations, Regional and Global Challenges
Russia and Turkey: Cooperation Amid Regional Dynamics in the Middle East
Russia and Japan: How to Solve Problems in Bilateral Relations
Russia and the South Caucasus
The Sanctions Against Russia: Areas of Escalation and Counteraction Policies
Сотрудничество России и стран Латинской Америки в новых условиях
Strategic Stability and Reducing the Risk of Nuclear Threat
Helsinki +40
Anthology “The Arctic Region: Problems of International Cooperation”
Anthology “Migration in Russia. 2000–2013”
Anthology “World in 100 years”
Хрестоматия «Теория международных отношений: современные тенденции»
Anthology “Evolution of the Post-Soviet Space: the Past, the Present and the Future”
Digital Internationalisation of Russian Universities
South Asia: Opportunities and Challenges for Russia
Nuclear Weapons and Technologies in Contemporary International Relations