Search: Elections (156 materials)


South Korea Legislative Elections: Fair to Middling

South Korea held legislative elections to its National Assembly on April 13, 2016. The Minjoo Party of Korea secured the majority of votes in 110 single-member constituencies, with the ruling Saenuri Party earning 105 seats, the People’s Party 25 and the Justice Party winning ...


Cyber Tuesday: Waiting for Virtual Revelation?

Reviewing the cybersecurity agendas of US presidential contenders Cyber Tuesday: Waiting for Virtual Revelation? Reviewing the cybersecurity agendas of US presidential contenders This year is going to be the hottest for the US domestic politics in the several past years, with pundits quite reasonably engulfed in analyzing the political and economic aspects of the platforms offered by the challengers aspiring to take up the top position in the hierarchy of the global leader. Meanwhile, cybersecurity...


America’s Putin

Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton emerged as the leaders for the republicans and democrats respectively at the end of the decisive Super Tuesday on March 1. These results, though not final raise important questions on the notion and the role of American leadership in the 21st century. The US has always been characterized by a certain exceptionalism. Since Woodrow Wilson this nation has been driven by its strong will to make the world ‘safe for democracy’[1]. For the liberals it translated...


How predictable is Donald Trump in US-Russian relations?

The upcoming presidential election in the United States will obviously affect global politics and the relationship between Moscow and Washington. Pravda.Ru sat down with General Director of the Russian Board of the International Affairs, candidate of historical sciences, Andrei Kortunov, to speak about the pros and cons of the two main presidential candidates. The difference between the candidates for US president — In one of your recent articles, you wrote that the US-Russian relations have...


Has there been "rollback" of democracy in Russia under Putin?

... principle of representative democracy. Obviously, not everyone has the time, knowledge, interest, and skill to participate much in self-government, so we elect people to represent us. From time to time, we pass judgment on their performance by means of elections. And yet, according to Jean-Jacques Rousseu, Englishmen are slaves, except for once every five years when they elect their representatives. According to the highly influential tradition of participatory democracy, when citizens are not actually ...


Myanmar’s Future President: Candidate in Question

... election in a landslide. 80 % of the voters who came to the polling stations on November 8, 2015, cast their ballots for the NLD. After decades of being in peaceful opposition to the military regime, the NLD has become the ruling party. The latest elections were truly historical since, for the first time in 56 years, the legislative power was transferred peacefully to a legally elected parliament in accordance with the constitution. Previously, it happened in the spring of 1960. The NLD received ...


Kremlin policy: Strategic or like the music of a jazz group?

... theory and political history is weak. What he writes is often a mixture of brilliant insight and nonsense. "Putin has made any alternative unthinkable" thinks Pavlovsky, ... because "his political system has destroyed the legitimacy of elections as an instrument for the peaceful change of power." Putin's United Russia party is a "valuable instrument for winning rigged elections, but unlike the Chinese Communist Party, it lacks the autonomy and ideological coherence ...


Argentina Turns to the Right

... among Integration Groupings Mauricio Macri started out as a businessman before being elected President of the popular football club Boca Juniors in 1995, which helped to get him over with the people. After leaving the club in 2007, he won the mayoral elections of the City of Buenos Aires in 2007, thus carving out his political career towards the Casa Rosada – the seat of the Argentinian government. The recently published book The World of Pro. The Anatomy of a Party Made to Win (Mundo Pro. ...


From Electorate to Caliphate

... inextricably linked to the electoral design, election cycles and the strategies of spin. This periodization correlates somewhat with the “student, apprentice, master” paradigm used by Recep Erdoğan and his party in the run-up to the 2011 elections to describe the stages of the electoral cycle. Birth and Maturation of the Party (2001–2007) The Justice and Development Party grew out of the National Vision (Milli Görüş) Islamist movement. After the 1997 military memorandum ...


Canada after the Parliamentary Elections

... campaign, both Liberals and New Democrats condemned Mr. Harper for his failure to preserve Canada's hard-fought reputation as a dynamic UN member, peacemaker and mediator in conflict resolution. Among other things, this concerned Ottawa's defeat during the elections for the UN Security Council non-permanent members in October 2010, the first since World War II. The Conservatives were also accused of excessive militarization and a bias towards the U.S. THE CANADIAN PRESS / Adrian Wyld Prime Minister Justin ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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