Search: Strategic stability (50 materials)


RIC Trilateral Cooperation Needs Enhancement

... exporter and importer. A Moscow-New Delhi-Beijing "fertilizer partnership" could shape the future of international trade of this important commodity. Ivan Timofeev: Eurasian Security Structure: From Idea to Practice Trilateral consultations on strategic stability would not only contribute to world peace and security, but also build trust and mutual confidence between Beijing and New Delhi. Other security related problems to be discussed in the trilateral format could include the challenge of ...


Escalation Signaling in Ukraine and Its Implications for the Strategic Russia-US Relationship

... and are only likely to increase in its aftermath, both Russia and the U.S. may want, at some point, to return to some forms of recurrent bilateral interactions. Although Russia has rejected the recent U.S. proposal to resum e systematic dialogue on strategic stability and arms control, both states should continue to seek other opportunities—whether as a track-1.5 format or a less formalized dialogue between officials—to begin bridging the gap between conceptual understandings of military capabilities,...


Nuclear Metamorphoses

... media—undergoes transformations that would have driven crazy the great Publius Ovid, an ancient Roman poet with his immortal Metamorphoses , which have fascinated Europeans for two millennia. The threat of nuclear war Aleksey Arbatov: The Ukrainian Crisis and Strategic Stability Contrary to the common perception that nuclear weapons should exclusively “serve to deter aggression and prevent war,” nuclear war is more likely to happen today than ever before, nearly eight decades after the tragedy of Hiroshima ...


A Preemptive Nuclear Strike? No!

... overwhelming majority of observers until February 2022. Indeed, it seemed unlikely from the perspective of the past thirty years. And yet, it materialized. Maybe it is time to break down the habitual scheme of things? Aleksey Arbatov: The Ukrainian Crisis and Strategic Stability Regardless of the motives behind this proposal, it requires rational reflection, considering the fundamental importance of the issue. After all, we are talking about nuclear weapons, which are associated not just with a breakdown but ...


The Impact of Missile Defense Systems Development on Strategic Stability Discussed within ISCRAN — CISAC Expert Russian-American Dialogue

... regular meeting of the bilateral expert Russian-American dialogue between the Institute of the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISCRAN) and CISAC was held. The discussion focused on the impact of missile defense systems development on strategic stability, as well as possible coordinated actions of the member states of the "Nuclear Club" (P5) to reduce the risks of nuclear war. The event was hosted by Sergey Rogov, Academic Director of RAS Institute for the U.S. and Canadian ...


Multilateral Nuclear Confidence-Building Measures Discussed within High-Level International Expert Group

... and International Affairs at Harvard University, held a regular online international high-level expert round table, dedicated to the trends in the development of world politics in the context of acute recent crises. The session addressed the issues of strategic stability in the face of the collapse of the former bilateral Russia-the U.S. system of control over strategic arms, the threat of the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and other types of weapons of mass destruction. The possibilities of agreeing ...


Factors Influencing the Dynamics of Strategic Stability Discussed within ISKRAN - CISAC Expert Russian-American Dialogue

... CISAC meeting, the bilateral expert Russian-American dialogue, was held On March 21, 2023, a regular ISKRAN and CISAC meeting, the bilateral expert Russian-American dialogue, was held. The discussion focused on the factors influencing the dynamics of strategic stability in the context of acute regional crises, the ongoing nuclear arms race, the aggravation of the challenges of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and the lack of full-fledged communications between nuclear powers. The event was hosted ...


Third Russian-British Security Roundtable

... round table discussion on security issues was held within the framework of RIAC project “A New Agenda for Russia–UK Relations”, implemented in partnership with the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). The round table focused on the issues of strategic stability between Russia and the U.S., Russia and NATO member states in the context of the conflict in Ukraine. The risks of confrontation between Russia and NATO in the conflict setting and the levels of risk management efficiency were analyzed....


The Nuclear Triad: Alternatives from the Days Gone By and Possible Futures

Working Paper No. 68/2022 Working Paper No. 68/2022 The first atomic bomb was designed almost eight decades ago. Since then, the nuclear factor has become one of the game-changers in international relations. The possession of nuclear weapons has become especially important in modern times, as discussions of the fatal destructiveness the use of atomic weapons for all mankind have reintensified. There is increasing speculation on this topic in the international arena. Nevertheless, there is no doubt...


Nuclear War — a Hypothetical Scenario or a Real Threat? RIAC Urban Breakfast

... element of confrontation between the U.S. and China, the decision made by the UK to increase the number of deployed nuclear weapons of its own, as well as the aggravation of relations between Russia and the United States, together with the dialogue on strategic stability put on hold, usher in a new stage in the nuclear arms race in the world. Perhaps, this stressful situation will lead to a new multilateral arms control system. At the doctrinal level, the United States has already indicated a transition ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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