Search: NATO,International security (84 materials)


Why Involvement of NATO Forces in Ukraine Should Be Taken Seriously

The more casualties both sides suffer, the greater the intensity of hostilities and the closer approach to the threshold of nuclear use. In this scenario, there will be no victors. Is it possible for NATO armed forces to be involved in a military conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Such a formulation of the issue until recently seemed marginal, given the high risks of escalation of the military confrontation between the North Atlantic Alliance and ...


NATO’s Strategic Failure in Ukraine

Historians will most likely conclude the ambitious U.S.-led attempt to expand a militarized NATO on the border with Russia was an ill-conceived strategic failure resulting in lives lost and misplaced, and the catapult vital to compel a significant bi-polar alliance between BRICS to counter the once dominant NATO Alliance NATO seems to be in ...


Beyond the Conflict in Ukraine: Towards New European Security Architecture

... United States, taking into account their status as major nuclear powers and special responsibility for strategic stability and international security in general”. See: The Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, 2023 // Russian Foreign ... ... европейская безопасность? // Интерфакс, 20 июля 2022 г. URL: . 10 . Nato und EU Vereinbaren “Neue Stufe” der Partnerschaft // Die Presse, January 10, 2023. URL: ...


US-Led Arms Race Could Push Mankind into the Abyss

... and that never before had mankind spent so much money on military preparations. Nation-states spend, or waste, 2.3 percent of their collective GDP to protect themselves from each other. Incidentally, this dubious achievement is well above the stated NATO goal to oblige all of its members to allocate no less than 2 percent of their GDP to defense. Zhao Huasheng, Andrey Kortunov: Prepare for the Worst and Strive for the Best. Russia’s and China’s Perceptions of Developments in International Security No doubt, national leaders find many compelling reasons for their decisions to raise the stakes in global military competition. As many times before, they are actively engaged in an endless blame game with a clear intention to impose ...


Eurasian Security Structure: From Idea to Practice

... accumulated experience can then be transformed into permanent institutions focused on a broader range of security issues. Zhao Huasheng, Andrey Kortunov: Prepare for the Worst and Strive for the Best. Russia’s and China’s Perceptions of Developments in International Security An important issue of the new structure will be its functional orientation. NATO, in the past, emerged as an instrument to contain the USSR, and today the alliance has received a new life, trying to solve the problems of containing Russia. It is possible that the new security structure in Eurasia may also be tailored to the task ...


Experts Discuss NATO’s 75th Anniversary at Rossiya Segodnya Press Center

On April 3, 2024, the international multimedia press center of the Rossiya Segodnya media group hosted a roundtable discussion “NATO: 75 Years at the Forefront of Escalation,” marking the 75th anniversary of the alliance’s founding On April 3, 2024, the international multimedia press center of the Rossiya Segodnya media group hosted a roundtable discussion “NATO: 75 Years ...


The Caucasus: Between East and West

... in August 2008, that a precedent was set for revising the Belavezha accords, whereby the borders between the newly emerged post-Soviet sovereign entities were based on the dividing lines between the former Soviet republics. In essence, the process of NATO expansion was halted in this region because of the emergence of new post-Soviet states. Although, as the recent visit of Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan showed, the movement in this direction has not stopped....


Prepare for the Worst and Strive for the Best. Russia’s and China’s Perceptions of Developments in International Security

... Founding Act, and so on. There was a surge of trade, investments, tourism and civil society interaction between the East and the West. Unfortunately, it turned out that the two sides had very different perceptions about very fundamental dimensions of international security and global governance. In the West, they assumed that the future international system should have at its core primarily Western institutions—like NATO and the European Union—that would gradually expand and absorb former socialist nations of Central and Eastern Europe. The assumption was that the West would define the rules of the game within the new system, while the Rest would have to accept ...


A Dangerous Gamble: The Russia-American Nuclear Game in the Ukraine Crisis

... almost open nuclear game, but in different forms and with different objectives. Both Russia and the United States are well aware of the presence of the nuclear weapons factor in this conflict. Russia's main objective is to deter the United States and NATO from directly intervening in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The U.S., on the other hand, tends to believe that Russia will not or dare not use nuclear weapons and can therefore boldly provide military support to Ukraine. Both sides are at loggerheads,...


Michael von der Schulenburg: Yet Peace, not War, Should Be the EU’s Main Concern

.... It is unclear, Mr. von der Schulenburg suggests, what positive outcome can be achieved through an escalation, and it is certain that it will not bring peace to Europe. The conflict has evolved into what he believes is a struggle between Russia and NATO, with nuclear weapons becoming a critical factor in military planning. It is impossible to predict the limitations of such a “decisive battle,” beyond which a nuclear escalation might occur. In persisting with all-out warfare, European leaders,...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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