Search: Elections (156 materials)


2017 French Presidential Elections: a decisive choice for the improvement of Russian-French relations

... intends to base her foreign policy on three axioms: non-interference, sovereignty and political freedom. This is roughly the rhetoric defended by Putin's Russia. However, Marine Le Pen will confronted to the "favorite" of the French political elections, Emmanuel Macron. What will come out for Russia in case of Macron`s victory? According to Macron`s official position, he does not adopt an anti-Russian or conflicting approach toward Russia. In fact, he tends to avoid concrete declaration regarding ...


The XXI Century Gold Rush — Social Networks and Big Data

... readers), generates a multiplication effect in such situations. Consider the report written by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the USA, revealing Russia as being part of the hacker attacks in order to influence the presidential elections in the USA, are an example. And even if the Kremlin had approved such an operation to be conducted, the public at large hasn’t seen any evidence of this kind in the report. What has further happened in the investigation is not clear, but there ...


Victory of Popular Uprising Over National Establishment

... erased from memory. The present change of the White House chief employer is already perceived as an ordinary episode, as a logical and natural step in the continuous evolution of the US political system. However, I would like to assume that the 2016 elections will be included in all the textbooks as an absolutely exceptional event in the American political life. Before our eyes a popular uprising against the national establishment started and won - without any exaggeration. All the country’s ...


The Right-Wing Primaries: November 2016

November 20 and 27, France’s right-wing republicans will hold their primaries intended both to determine the single candidate capable of winning the first elections round defeating the left-wing candidate, and to define the principal features of the candidate’s program that would address the sentiments of the greater part of the voters. Currently, France’s former prime minister Alain Juppé ...


Russia and the United States Have to Get Back to Constructive Dialogue

Interview with Igor Ivanov In an interview for the Interfax news agency, Igor Ivanov, President of the Russian International Affairs Council and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (from 1998 to 2004) shared his thoughts on the U.S. presidential election’s results, pointing out the areas Russia’s future dialogue with the new administration should be dedicated to. What are your thoughts about the results of the presidential election? First of all, I would like...


Claims of 'Russian Electoral Interference' Reveal Depth of US Political Crisis

Washington Post's piece, part of a growing list of allegations by the White House and the Clinton campaign that Moscow was interfering in the US presidential race, alleged that President Putin was looking to exact "revenge" on the US for a string of color revolutions which Washington had helped to stage along Russia's borders over the last decade-and-a-half. For this, WP claimed, the Kremlin was using Donald Trump, who has helped to spread a mood of protest and discontent in US society...


US election 2016: American reputation at stake

... not delivering the same or similar message to the world even if the US could see the first female president in its history. An implication of the 2016 election campaign is that it triggers a negative impact on the reputation of the US democracy and elections abroad particularly in authoritarian, non-democratic regimes, and vulnerable democracies. Both the republican and democratic presidential hopefuls Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have a share in that negative impact. Trump’s locker room ...


Ex-Russian Foreign Minister Hopes US Policy on Syria Will Change After Elections

President of the Russian International Affairs Council and former Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov has expressed a hope that Washington's policy on Syria will change after the US presidential election. "In recent months, we can see that US diplomacy is controlled by internal political battles and its decisions are primarily motivated by the results of the upcoming election. The most obvious manifestation of this policy is the approach to the Syrian conflict. Hopefully after the election, the situation...


Ode to Empire: Russian Lawmaker Lambasts Clinton's Article on US Exceptionalism

Konstantin Kosachev, head of the Russian Upper House's Foreign Affairs Committee, harshly criticized Hillary Clinton's article in Time magazine, titled "Why America is exceptional." He decried the all-American panegyric as a "perfect example of propaganda pertaining to social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority." In an article published by the Russian newspaper Izvestia, Kosachev recalled in this regard that in "very many countries," including Russia...


U.S. Diplomacy in the Shackles of Election Politics

In just two weeks the United States of America will elect its new president. According to many politicians and observers, the campaign is unprecedentedly vicious, while the confrontation with Russia emerges perhaps as one of the key issues. However, no matter who wins the race – either Democrat Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald Trump – Washington and Moscow will have to construct a pragmatic dialogue since it affects both their own wellbeing and global security, comments former Russian...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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