Search: Libya (83 materials)


Algeria: Russia’s Crisis-Proof Partner in the Arab World

... tranquil. The country is important for Russia because it remains a major partner in military-technical cooperation and is independent internationally as far as the acute crisis in the Arab world is concerned, primarily in view of the disasters in Yemen, Libya and Syria. Generally speaking, Algiers is striving to preserve the so far surviving states of the Greater Middle East in the existing borders and to stabilize the environment, since its deterioration will threaten Algeria, which is something Russia ...


Russians and Arabs: in Search of a New Modus Vivendi

... (predominantly US) conspiracy aimed at acquiring more control of the West over the Arab world though pursuing the strategy of ‘controlled chaos”. Tin Moscow they saw the most graphic manifestation of this strategy in the Western involvement in Libya in 2011, which was regarded as a clear and self-serving deviation from the UN Security Council Resolution 1973. The failed transition in Libya was an important learning experience for Moscow. It consolidated the conservative faction in the Russian ...


Russia Has Been the Voice of Reason – On Iraq, on Libya, and Now on Syria

... United Nations Security Council. This has left many in the west wondering: how can any country support such a monster? There is no doubt that President Assad has blood on his hands – lots of it. So did Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Muammar Gaddafi of Libya. Both these dictators were endorsed and armed by western powers – including the United States – before they were vilified and deposed. If western condemnation of murderous dictators has one rationalization, it is "better late than ...


Horn of Africa - The High Costs of the Fight Against Piracy

Will Libya become another Somalia? According to Italian Interior Ministry, the Islamic State has already taken control of ports and maritime assets in key Libyan territories, prompting real concerns that such actions could lead to a boom in piracy and maritime ...


The Kremlin's unexpected decisions

... leadership. Undoubtedly, Tehran didn’t like this decision, but this is hardly reason enough to explain the restoration of the contract with Iran for the S-300 as a way to sweeten the pill. Also unusual was the Kremlin’s activity in the Libyan context, which many already thought was a lost battle for Moscow. On April 14-15, and for the second time this year, Libyan Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni traveled to Moscow. He stated that the main purpose of his visit was to persuade Russia ...


Are there any prospects for Moscow-Libya cooperation?

First, a de facto civil war in that country and rampant violence perpetrated by gangs and irregular militias make any economic projects in Libya very risky. Second, Moscow reasonably fears that a sizable portion of the nation’s new political elite views Russia as an enemy due to the latter’s critical attitude to the NATO operation against the former regime. Third, the prevailing ...


The Lackluster Peace Talks in Libya

Chaos in Libya The fall of Muammar Kaddafi has hurled Libya into the chaos of a three-years-long struggle between liberal forces supported by the army and Islamist parties propped up by former rebels . Five successive governments have fruitlessly been trying ...


Nuclear geopolitics. Shifting sands along Africa’s Uranium Road

... its military presence throughout its remote southern desert regions. Senior government officials speaking to the media described the move as a “sovereign decision.” Niger shares common borders with Algeria and Mali. It sits just below Libya and to the east of Mali. Algeria has been experiencing problems in the refugee camps controlled by the Polisario Front and located in its remote southeastern Tindouf region. Some news reports claim the camps, which contain upwards of 95,000 refugees,...


Proliferation And The Psychopathology of Prohibition

... governments who engage in WMD commerce to use it as a bargaining chip for other objectives. In spite of four Nobel Peace Prizes (Bunche, Arafat, Rabin, Peres), one of the big drivers of terrorism continues to be the destruction of the State of Israel. Libya and Palestine are cases where opportunistic leaders have helped drive that issue. While Washington spent around $3 trillion on its decade long war in Iraq the four decade presence of Moammar Gaddafi and Yassir Arafat on the world scene has probably ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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