Search: Europe (183 materials)


RIAC and OSCE PA Held International Seminar "Helsinki +40 Process: Prospects for Strengthening the OSCE"

... September 25, 2014, Russian International Affairs Council and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly held the international seminar "Helsinki +40 Process: Prospects for Strengthening the OSCE" with participation of the OSCE PA representatives, top European politicians and civil society leaders, Russian parliamentarians and key experts. The event was opened by the project co-chair Joao Soares (MP, Portugal) and RIAC President Igor Ivanov . The speakers' list at the plenary session included OSCE ...


OSCE Faces a Choice

... about the future of the organisation. Andrei Vladimirovich, what’s your view of the OSCE’s anti-crisis potential at this moment? Is the organisation capable of playing the role of the main instrument for preventing and resolving crises in Europe? The choice of instruments at the OSCE’s disposal for responding to crisis situations in Europe is quite broad. It’s a lot more impressive than it was in the 1990s, when the Organisation often had to improvise but at the same time played ...


The Helsinki Final Act: Is there life after 40?

Article by Javier Ruperez, President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (1996-1998) Right After the War No Peace Treaty was signed to certify an end to World War II in Europe and validate the territorial changes it caused on the continent. Hasty military arrangements taken by the victorious powers against the defeated axis – Germany and its allies in the conflict - soon became the only point of reference: the ...


New Chance for the OSCE

Trial by Ukraine The European security system is facing hard times. However, lessons should be learned from crises. Decision-making on key issues must involve all countries in the region. The OSCE provides ample opportunities for seeking consensus and is able to adapt to ...


Ukrainian National Unity: An Opportunity Lost

... critical period of transition and reform. Protests gained momentum after students were violently disbursed by riot police on November 30. See: [v] A Ukrainian soldier was shot and killed hours after Vladimir Putin formally announced the annexation of Crimea. See: ...


Aurélie BROS: Gazprom in Europe: a Business Doomed to Fail?

The exacerbation of tensions between the EU and Gazprom has led to black-and-white analyses. This makes it difficult to get to grips with Gazprom activities in the European energy market, while several crucial questions are never – or inadequately – raised. Although the constitution of the single EU energy market is still underway and liberalization has not been fully achieved, it is worth taking a closer ...


Refreshing relations between Belgium and Russia; from the birth of Belgium till the Russian revolution. 02/07/2014

... over 150 years already since the very first Head of Legation of the Kingdom of Belgium arrived in imperial capital city of Saint Petersburg during the Tsar of All Russians period. Since then, our bilateral foreign relation has gone through difficult European history, which was often painful. But what most people don't know is that Belgium and Russia have enriched each other. In the last decade Belgium and Russia have seen each other as great business partners, and opening new opportunities ...


Arriving in Russia 01/07/2014

... emphasis Russia, so am I very intrigued and wary by the biggest country in the world. In the upcoming month I will have the pleasure to write different personal analytical articles and my very own blog for the Russian International Affairs Council. Europe in Russia blog will be mostly about Russian foreign policy viewed through the eyes of an European diplomat student and will be written for everybody that is interested in International relations. To start off the adventure, allow me to introduce ...


Ukraine’s Path to Europe

Still Running on the Wrong Gauge Tracks To understand Ukraine’s path towards Europe and its ultimate attainment of European political and economic standards, all you have to do is take a train ride across the border. Before you’re able to cross into Poland – regarded as the model for Ukraine’s continued transformation ...


A Beginning of Dialogue? Russia's Ivanov and Germany's Ischinger Discuss the Ukraine Crisis

... antagonism, two senior diplomats, Russia’s Ivanov and Germany’s Ischinger, offer a possible start to dialogue. The exchange began last month as Ischinger was traveling in Ukraine as an envoy of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, promoting national dialogue. On May 21, Ivanov published “eight lessons” on the Ukraine crisis . In his current role as president of the Russian International Affairs Council, the state’s premier think tank on foreign affairs,...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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