Project: Russia and Italy: Mediterranean Dialogues
Mediterranean Dialogues (MED) is an international conference organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy and the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI). Launched in 2015, MED Conference has been annually held in Rome and is positioned as a global platform for dialog developing a positive agenda for the countries of the Mediterranean region.
In the year of the conference, in cooperation with NGOs, academic institutions, and think tanks of 10 countries, MED ISPI holds preparatory international round tables "Towards MED" in one of the countries.
RIAC joined in 2018 at the invitation of ISPI and conducted preparatory round tables “Towards MED”.
Project goal: to analyze and develop recommendations on topical issues of foreign and security policy in the countries of the Mediterranean region and neighboring countries.
Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), a non-profit think tank founded in Milan in 1934. The Institute carries out interdisciplinary research in the field of security policy and international relations of interest to Italy and European countries. The recommendations of the Institute are provided to to government officials, business executives and the public at large wishing to better understand international issues. ISPI has partnerships with leading think tanks and universities from all over the world.
Round table RIAC and ISPI Round Table «Towards MED 2018 — Syria, Libya and Yemen: the MENA Crises' Outcome», September 18, 2018
International seminar From Battlefields To Negotiation Tables. What Role For International Actors In The MENA Crises?, September 10, 2019
Videoconference in the preparation of the annual international conference Towards MED, April 15, 2020
Project Manager
Ph.D. in Political Science, Program Manager at the Russian International Affairs Council
The meeting was attended by the heads of leading expert and analytical centers in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Russia was represented by Andrey Kortunov, RIAC Director General
Andrey Kortunov, RIAC Director General addressed the participants of the panel "The Middle East and North Africa in 2030: Trends and Foresights"
The seminar was held within the framework of the RIAC project «Russia and Italy: Mediterranean Dialogues»