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Vladimir Davydov

Scientific Director of the RAS Institute of Latin America, RAS Corresponding Member

Mexico is a relatively powerful player in contemporary global politics. Russia and Mexico have much in common in terms of their participation in world affairs. However, the model of Russian–Mexican relations is still in flux; it has not been clearly defined and leaves much room for improvement. In fact, models of relations between the two countries are inherently asymmetrical: the political, diplomatic and cultural components outweigh trade and economic relations in terms of volume and scale. This report examines the main development trends in bilateral relations between Russia and Mexico and offers recommendations for how they can improved.

Mexico is a relatively powerful player in contemporary global politics. Russia and Mexico have much in common in terms of their participation in world affairs. However, the model of Russian–Mexican relations is still in flux; it has not been clearly defined and leaves much room for improvement. In fact, models of relations between the two countries are inherently asymmetrical: the political, diplomatic and cultural components outweigh trade and economic relations in terms of volume and scale. This report examines the main development trends in bilateral relations between Russia and Mexico and offers recommendations for how they can improved.

The authors of the report would like to express their gratitude to Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mexico to the Russian Federation Ruben Beltran for his invaluable comments with regard to the text during its preparation.

The report is published in Russian and Spanish.


Dr. en Ciencias Económicas, miembro correspondiente de la ACR V. Davýdov; Dr. en Ciencias Políticas V. Súdarev; Dra. en Ciencias Históricas Y. Vizgunova; Cand. a Dra. en Ciencias Históricas N. Kudeyárova; D. Razumovsky; Dr. en Ciencias Históricas A. Sizonenko; Dr. en Ciencias Económicas N. Jolodkov; Cand. a Dr. en Ciencias Históricas V. Morózov.

Relaciones ruso-mexicanas: fundamentos tradicionales e imperativos de renovación, Spanish version, 413 Кб

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