Search: Syria (490 materials)


RIAC President Igor Ivanov in the Federation Council

On October 17, a group of RIAC members and experts visited the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly to discuss the situation in Syria in the context of changes in the Greater Middle East. Opened by Dr. Igor Ivanov and Igor Morozov , member of the Council’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, the meeting was addressed by Vitaly Naumkin , RAS Corresponding Member and Director ...


RIAC Club Meeting on Syria

On October 15, RIAC held a Club Meeting to discuss international fallouts of the Syria crisis. Opened by Chairman of RIAC Board of Trustees Eugeny Primakov and RIAC President Igor Ivanov, the session featured expert analysis presented by Director of RAS Institute for African Studies Academician Alexei Vassilyev, Ambassador Extraordinary ...


Atlantic Council Round Table “Syria: Prospects for Political Settlement”

On October 3, 2013 the Atlantic Council of the United States hosted in Washington a roundtable discussion “Syria: Prospects for Political Settlement”. RIAC President Igor Ivanov, former NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and former Obama administration Special Envoy Frederic C. Hof addressed the meeting. They discussed elimination of chemical weapons ...


UN Syria Resolution – Proof of Russian Diplomats’ Professionalism

Interview On the night of September 28, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution on Syria. Irina Zvyagelskaya , Professor of Oriental Studies at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the RF MFA (MGIMO) and senior researcher at the Centre for Arabic and Islamic Studies, talks about whether the resolution approved was ...


Russia Is Defending Its Own Interests With Its Stance on Syria

When people in the west seek to explain Moscow’s approach to the crisis in Syria, they often refer to Damascus as Russia’s “last remaining ally in the Middle East”. They also frequently include Russia’s interest in the Syrian arms market and the Tartus naval facility. Finally, a seemingly powerful argument ...


U.S. Foreign Policy vis-à-vis the World: Is America an External Authority Still?

... unipolarity and neoliberal international political economy. A corollary of American hegemonism in the last decades has been the world too reliant on the U.S. as an external authority in the times of crises. In his recent press statements regarding Syria, U.S. President Barack Obama stressed out that Washington is not, indeed, a global cop anymore. But “just as the state that refrains from applying force is said to betray its weakness,” the prominent IR theorist Kenneth Waltz (1967: ...


Syrian Сonflict: Diplomacy and Politics

The sides start thinking seriously about peace only when they reach a military equilibrium Developments over Syria and the effectiveness of diplomacy as a means of resolving a conflict situation reviewed by Anatoly Adamishin , president emeritus of the non-governmental Association of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of ...


Washington Post Interview

... common approaches, which is the key for the international community. . . . No one country can solve problems which are becoming transborder, transnational, common threats and challenges. President Obama spoke about enforcement of the Syrian chemical weapons agreement that you and Secretary Kerry came up with. Where do you think the U.N.Security Council resolution will end up? Do you see some enforcement mechanism being built into the resolution? The chemical weapons problem in Syria ...


Future Relations with Iran Hinge on Syria Crisis

According to European and Russian experts on the Middle East, use of force against Syria is fraught with dire consequences. On September 23, Russian International Affairs Council held a meeting of analysts from European Council of Foreign Relations and Russian Middle East experts. According to Daniel Levy , ECFR Director of the Middle ...


Syria: chemical weapons, birds and football

In recent days, the official U.S. position on the situation in Syria has experienced certain transformation. As we know, Russia called for putting Syrian chemical weapons storages under international control which must ultimately lead to its destruction. It is worth noting that the Moscow's proposal hit the ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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