Search: Syria (490 materials)


Identifying the Strategy behind Russia’s Air Strikes in Syria

The goals of the operation Two days after Vladimir Putin’s speech at the UN General Assembly in New York Russia launched an anti-terrorist campaign in Syria. Nothing in the President’s speech indicated that Russia would go ahead with air strikes in the country, let alone launch them so soon. While the decision followed Bashar Al Assad’s request for Russia’s assistance there is no doubt ...


Putin’s Reckless Syria Escalation Makes Russia, Russians, Target of Global Jihad (Again)

... are able to strike anywhere, including Russia itself. By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter @bfry1981) October 2nd, 2015 @ValkryV Originally published on LinkedIn Pulse AMMAN — Anyone who’s been paying attention to the Syrian vortex of death, and Russia’s role in this vortex, knows that Putin’s motivations are not terribly difficult to understand and are, in fact, obvious. They generally run on three levels: 1.) Preserve the regime of Bashar al-Assad, ...


Fighting evil separately

There is no doubt that Moscow understands that Syria will no longer be the way it once was, neither in terms of government nor borders. If returning to a pre-war situation is not an option, consultations should take place to determine how the country will be governed in the future. The first substantive ...


Russia’s bid for leadership to battle terrorism substantiated by actions

... against terrorism, primarily against Islamic State (IS) that the country announced at the United Nations General Assembly has been substantiated by actions after the Federation Council upper house of parliament approved the use of Russian Armed Forces in Syria, Chairman of the State Duma lower house committee for international affairs Alexey Pushkov told TASS on Wednesday. "Evidently, the Russian president’s speech at the United Nations should be substantiated by concrete actions as it cannot ...


The Druze State: Another Consequence of the Middle East Crisis

Prospects for the establishment of a Druze state Jihadist attacks against the Syrian Druze in June 2015 marked the beginning of a new stage of the Middle East crisis. They prompted the involvement of Israel and Lebanon in the Syrian conflict and revealed a tendency of establishing new states in the region on the ethnic and religious ...


Germany Opens its Doors to Refugees, but only Syrians are Welcome

... Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that Germany could not manage to take every refugee, making Palestinian refugee children cry. However, in mid-September 2015 the German government announced the suspension of the Dublin Regulation, and opened its doors to Syrian refugees. “There is no legal limit to the number of people fleeing political persecution Germany,” said the Chancellor. In addition, the federal government will increase its 2016 budget by €3 billion to cope with the refugee situation....


International Coalition against ISIS – Can Common Evil Unite Us?

It is theater shared by two parallel coalitions, i.e. the United States and Europe on the one side, and Russia, Iran and Syria on the other This September, President Vladimir Putin has, on several occasions including during the Collective Security Treaty Organization summit, voiced Russia's readiness to act against the ISIS as part of a broad coalition incorporating countries ...


Broad coalition against Islamic State hardly possible now

Broad coalition for fighting against the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization is hardly possible now, and exchanging information and coordinating actions should be on top of the agenda at the current stage, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences Vitaly Naumkin told a press conference in TASS on Tuesday. "Full-fledged coalition is hardly possible today," Naumkin said. "However, there are common interests, exchange of information, and this...


Russia Has Been the Voice of Reason – On Iraq, on Libya, and Now on Syria

If Assad falls, will he be replaced by the "right" people? Russia's diplomatic and material support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has been universally condemned by western governments and in the western press. Russia admits that it provides humanitarian aid and "defensive" weaponry to the Syrian government. It has also (along with China) ...


US Forced to Cooperate with Russia on Syrian Quagmire

The current dynamic is not similar to a real thaw in relations and it will certainly not lead to a new “reset” The Syrian peace process is clearly in a state of stagnation, yet it has seen a number of dramatic developments involving Russia and the US which could potentially bring about a diplomatic breakthrough. Over the last few days, Russia has significantly increased ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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