Search: Syria (490 materials)


The Syrian Zugzwang

The socio-political prerequisites to the Syrian crisis. The Ba'ath Party or the Society of Muslim Brothers The Syrian conflict has been underway for over four years. Numerous terrorist organizations together form a disparate and splintered but significant proportion of the key forces in the ...


Terror in Paris: Time to Think, & Sit Down, Shutup to the Ideologues

... which occurred in Paris, and the issue of surveillance is far more complicated than the documentary Citizenfour would have you believe. To those who think the only solution to this is simply more use of force and would blame Obama for not invading Syria and Iraq today like Bush invaded Iraq in 2003, please, just go away and stop talking. There are many complex factors in play. France in particular has serious problems with how it treats its Muslims and immigrants, problems that were not unrelated ...


En Route to Useful Syria: Al-Qaeda Back in the Game?

Because the initial strikes by the Russian Air Force were not targeted only against ISIS, it became clear that the operation has also been meant to support the Syrian Arab Army of President Bashar Assad and stabilize the frontline. Meanwhile, restoring Damascus’s control over the whole of Syrian territory seems unlikely. Russian military involvement in the Syrian conflict has sparked the ire of regional ...


Six Key Trends in Russian Foreign Policy, as Seen by the West

... Valdai Discussion in Sochi, Ivan Timofeev wrote a succinct assessment of the latest trends in Russian foreign policy . Indeed, after the annexation of Crimea, the conflict in Ukraine, a downward spiral of sanctions, and Russia's latest intervention in Syria, it is no simple task to identify clear patterns of behavior. One challenge is separating the old from the truly new, and the signal from the noise. That is, Russia's foreign policy today comes with an assortment of information packaging, symbolism,...


The Syrian Conflict: Russian and GCC Perspectives

The Syrian conflict continues to deteriorate, with estimates suggesting a death toll in excess of 300,000, in addition to millions of refugees. The conflict has been extremely internationalized, not just in terms of the diplomatic attention that it has attracted,...


What Lies Beneath the Seizure of Sinjar?

On November 13, the Kurdish Peshmerga forces, backed by US airstrikes, retook the Northern Iraqi town of Sinjar, located on the Road 47, about 60 miles from Mosul and 120 miles from Raqqa, in Syria, the self-proclaimed capital of the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL). The Iraqi Kurdish forces lost the control of the city in August 2014, during an overwhelming assault launched by the jihadists who were eventually stopped in their expansion ...


Paris Events Will Further Tighten the Middle East Knot

The attacks will almost inevitably lead to an escalation of war in Iraq and Syria, as well as to changes in the balance of forces in the Middle East as a whole. Although it will take time to truly evaluate the consequences of the November 13 massacre in Paris for the French, European and world politics, some conclusions can be ...


US Senators Are Generous When Funding Wars Overseas

... Army would intensify the situation in Ukraine, it seems that US senators don't want to hear about peace in Ukraine and keep pressuring the Obama Administration to carry out more hawkish policies in Eastern Europe, the Russian expert said. Regarding the Syrian issue, however, the Obama Administration and the Senate don't have major disagreements and both agree that the Syrian "moderate" rebels ought to be helped in their fight against the Syrian Army loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, the ...


Jordan’s Remarkable Resilience

... yet resilient and durable. The recent rise of new security challenges, such as the rise of the Islamic State, calls for a thorough analysis an exploration of the factors involved. Overall, there are strong reasons to believe that despite the war in Syria raging on Jordan’s doorstep, an acute domestic refugee problem, and echoes of the Arab Spring protests still in the air, the collapse of the Jordanian state and regime is highly unlikely. * * * The regionwide upheavals that shook the Arab ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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