Analytical articles
What lessons can Russia and Chine draw from the Korean War to better handle conflict?
ShortThe global economy has fallen into the trap of a "new abnormality," where incessantly creating money does not solve pressing socioeconomic problems
ShortIf you expect Moscow to give in to external pressure and make concessions, you’ll be waiting a long time
ShortThe once-in-a-lifetime catastrophe of COVID-19 has shown that the trend of bipolarization between China and the U.S. is likely to continue and deepen in the post-pandemic period
ShortThe most important task for the diplomacy of Washington and Beijing will be the fight for major players
ShortThe EU can’t fix this, and with the United States disinterested, the task of creating long-lasting peace in the region falls upon Russia
ShortPolitical crises and controversies regarding a number of issues hardly set aside the need to build trust on specific issues, without mentoring, arrogance and sarcasm on either side
ShortThe USMC should become a streamlined tool for containing China's growing power
ShortIt is time to settle this long-standing conflict. The question is: Who will do it and what do they stand to gain?
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