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Author: Andrey Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council.


According to the data from Levada-Center recent public-opinion poll, 71% of Russian citizens support the course of cooperation with the West (21% more than in July, 2015).


The number of the supporters of further economic, political, and cultural connections development and cooperation with the West is reaching the peak index of March 2000 (76%). Correspondingly, the number of opponents is decreasing: in July 2015 the ones for the reduction of the connections, relations, and for distancing from the Western countries made 37% of the respondents, but now they are only 17%.


Though, the concerns about the Western intentions towards our country are decreasing slower — 15% of the respondents answered «strongly agree» and 42% — «agree» to the question if Russia has reasons to fear NATO. 


Nevertheless, it can be assumed that the peak of the anti-western trend is over. It is worthy of note that the atmosphere of the information warfare between Russia and the West remains tense, which can be observed in the contents of the leading media resources on both sides. Apparently, Russian society (for the most part) is gradually growing immunity to the most odious forms of Western propaganda.



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