Search: Middle East,Saudi Arabia (38 materials)


Is Oil-And-Gas Friendship Possible Between Russia and Saudi Arabia?

... and domestic audiences. This does not mean that Russia's work with Iran precludes cooperation with Saudi Arabia. Even so, with investment programmes shrinking in all the oil exporting countries and with the existing strategic contradictions between Saudi Arabia and Russia, Moscow will find working with the two Middle Eastern countries at once to be an extremely difficult balancing act. The oil-and-gas cooperation plans recently announced by Russia and Saudi Arabia may sound like part of a rapprochement trend. Yet one should not expect too much from this rhetoric....


Donald Trump Will Follow Barack Obama’s Footsteps

... big Middle Eastern game is worth it , since it does not promise any economic or political benefits; on the contrary, it promises only expenses. At the same time, judging by his campaign speeches, he clearly sees the threats coming to America from the Middle East, yet he is far from having expensive ambitions. A pragmatic billionaire, as Trump bills himself, with his “America first” slogan, is less tied to the US’ traditional allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia, protecting and supporting whom has become a burden for the US tax payers. It has already led people to call him a neoisolationist . Yet allowing for an exaggerated campaign rhetoric and adjusting the Republican’s promises accordingly,...


Russian and Saudi experts discuss bilateral relations and Middle East

... and RIAC. The event was moderated by Director of Arab and Islamic Studies at RAS Institute for Oriental Studies Vasily Kuznetsov. The discussants focused on interaction between Russia and the Gulf States in settlement of the statehood crises in the Middle East. In his opening remarks RIAC Director General Andrey Kortunov underlined that relations between Russia and Gulf States should go beyond tactical limits and become strategic. In his turn, Director of the Saudi Center for Media and Arab-Russian ...


On the Matter of the Gulf Cooperation Council’s Regional Security Concept

... should become its main driver. The problem is that it could prove insufficient, especially that different countries do not necessarily share the same understanding of their security interests. Could a different idea be proposed as an alternative to Saudi Arabia’s exclusive security system project? From Russia’s point of view, the regional security system in the Middle East should be inclusive or (to be realistic) almost inclusive (the matter of how to include Israel in it still remains unclear); therefore, the mutual animosity of Saudi Arabia and Iran must be overcome. Both sides tend to treat each other’s ...


Algeria: Russia’s Crisis-Proof Partner in the Arab World

... and is independent internationally as far as the acute crisis in the Arab world is concerned, primarily in view of the disasters in Yemen, Libya and Syria. Generally speaking, Algiers is striving to preserve the so far surviving states of the Greater Middle East in the existing borders and to stabilize the environment, since its deterioration will threaten Algeria, which is something Russia is also trying to achieve. Yemen In actuality, Algeria’s stance runs counter to the plans of Qatar, Saudi Arabia and certain Western states. For instance, in 2015 the Algerian government effectively disrupted Riyadh’s schemes to send a “joint Sunni army” to Yemen to fight against the pro-Iranian Houthis. By doing so Algeria obviously ...


Russian and GCC Perspectives: OPEC, Russia, and falling oil prices

... an excuse after any non-compliance with a coordinated output cut is detected. REUTERS/Abdalrhman Ismail Maxim Suchkov: The Middle East between the U.S. and Russia: Potential Traps for Moscow Even if Russia decided to keep its word, and its oil companies ... ... members. For example, after the Saudi Embassy in Tehran was stormed by suspected government-backed rioters in January 2016, Saudi Arabia severed diplomatic ties with the Islamic Republic. Saudi relations with Iran and Iraq are very negative at present,...


War in Yemen: a New Vietnam?

... 2015 and it cannot absolutely be underestimated for the gravity and magnitude of geopolitical effects it carries on the the Middle East and the rest of the world. The war broke out as a confrontation between the Shiite rebels Houthis allied with ... ... the first shots had been fired. That was almost a given when considering the strategic position of Yemen at the border with Saudi Arabia and the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, a crucial passage for the maritime oil trade through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden....


The Middle East between the U.S. and Russia: Potential Traps for Moscow

... Washington does not want to act as a mediator in someone else’s war. At least for now, the White House sees a much safer path in diplomatic neutrality, condemning the attacks on the KSA embassy in Tehran and expressing concern about the execution in Saudi Arabia. The ability to move away from external attitudes should to a large degree serve as an indicator of the maturity of Russian and American strategies in the Middle East. At that, the international community is very likely to refocus from the Islamic State to the brewing conflict between the Sunni and the Shiites, or at least to its presentation as such. Under this scenario, the IS would not only obtain a ...


The U.S. and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East: An Alliance of Competing Powers, Too Risky to Break?

... Riyadh’s demands as excessive and likely to narrow U.S. room for maneuver. That is why U.S. hardliners on Iran and the Middle East pin their hopes on Crown Prince Muhammad ibn Naif who is Minister of Interior. They are wary about the possible rise ... ... are too situational and opportunistic. And Russia is in no position to replace the U.S. as the key extra-regional partner for Saudi Arabia, or anything close. Occasional suggestions on the subject in the Russian media do not mean that the Kremlin is entertaining ...


The Syrian Conflict: Russian and GCC Perspectives

... Moscow’s concrete political proposals aimed at initially creating a united front in the struggle against terrorism in the Middle Eastern region, and then at enabling a gradual political solution to its conflicts, seek to stabilize the situation in ... ... calls and flights between Moscow and other key players in the Syrian conflict. Russian President Putin has called King Salman of Saudi Arabia twice in the last ten days, not to forget the various meetings that have occurred since the start of the Russian ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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