Search: China,Afghanistan (27 materials)


Afghanistan Marks the Beginning of the End of US-led Unipolarity

... the post-unipolar world will be much more prosperous thanks to the improvement of the economic condition in countries in the developing world. To mark this significant transition, the U.S. would be well-advised to engage other major powers, especially China and Russia, and leverage their cooperation to rebuild Afghanistan, which markes the end of unipolarity and has a realistic potential to mark the beginning of the post-unipolar future.


The CIA’s Strategic Thinking in Afghanistan: 1979 to 2021

... Intelligence Agency (1983), Afghanistan: Potential for Soviet Airfield Construction 10 . Central CIA (1985), Soviet Counterintelligence Capabilities, Studies in Intelligence 11 . Central Central Intelligence Agency - Directorate of Intelligence (1982), China's Afghanistan Policy: The Pakistani Connection 12 . Central Michael Taarnby (2008), The Mujahedin in Nagorno-Karabakh: A Case Study in the Evolution of Global Jihad, Real Instituto Elcano 13 . Central Central Intelligence Agency - Directorate of intelligence ...


Russian and Chinese experts compare notes on Afghanistan

On July 30, 2021, the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) co-hosted a webinar titled “Situation in Central Asia and Afghanistan: Russia’s and China’s approaches” On July 30, 2021, the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) co-hosted a webinar titled “Situation in Central Asia and Afghanistan: Russia’s and China’s approaches”....


What Does NATO Withdrawal from Afghanistan Mean for Regional Actors?

... Afghanistan where it has previously been hesitant to invest. Like Russia, China is incredibly concerned about the prospect of Afghanistan being used as a base for exporting extremism into its territory, particularly in Xinjiang. Flows of narcotics into China via Afghanistan are also a cause for concern for decision-makers in Beijing. The Chinese government has maintained its best prospects for mitigating these potential issues through active engagement with the Taliban and the incentive of monetary support in ...


Power without Soft Power: China’s Outreach to Central Asia

... countries in the region to increase its military presence, especially in the Wakhan Corridor. Yuan Jiang: Russian Perception of the Belt and Road Initiative from 2013 to 2019 The Wakhan Corridor The Wakhan Corridor is a narrow strip of territory in Afghanistan, extending to China and separating Tajikistan from Pakistan and Kashmir. The corridor, wedged between the Pamir Mountains to the North and the Karakoram range to the South, is about 350 km long and 13-65 kilometers wide and has been used as a trade route to connect ...


Moscow Is Still Central Asia’s Top Security Ally

... By May of this year, according to the Agreement for bringing peace to Afghanistan, the US should withdraw their troops from Afghanistan. While this event could reshape Russia’s role in the region, the agreement between the Taliban and Washington seems ... ... viii ]. However, this monopoly is not equally distributed among Central Asian states. Uzbekistan prefers buying weapons from China, while Turkey is the largest arms supplier for Turkmenistan [ ix ]. In case of a conflict, together with the actual military ...


Waiting for the Intra-Afghan Dialogue to Begin

... actually do it. The thing is, if we do not see any real steps made in the intra-Afghan process, then the Americans will find it increasingly difficult to put on a happy face. This is what makes the joint call of the special representatives of Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan for foreign troops in Afghanistan to “withdraw in an orderly and responsible manner to ensure a smooth transition” published on May 18, 2020, particularly relevant. Both the government of Afghanistan and U.S. officials have made it clear that they are ready to open the ...


What the SCO Summit in Bishkek Confirmed

... other places, regions adjacent to Central Asia and China), as they lost control over a significant part of Syria. This development demonstrates a link between the two crisis-affected regions, especially since the majority of terrorists migrating to Afghanistan are natives of Central Asia and Muslim-populated regions of Russia and China. Such activity is unequivocally viewed as an immediate threat to the stability in the regions to the north and northeast of Afghanistan. The SCO member states have repeatedly, and at various levels (including the very highest level), expressed their ...


Envisioning Opportunities for U.S.-Russia Cooperation in and with Central Asia

The Working Group on the Future of U.S.-Russia Relations’ Report Central Asia stands out as a comparatively “nontoxic” region where there are limited, but not insignificant, opportunities for U.S.-Russia collaboration both bilaterally and within multilateral frameworks: in the space industry, civil security, job-creation mechanisms and rural human capital, and knowledge sharing for instance. Any proposal of U.S.-Russia cooperation in a concrete domain will have to be made in a tri- or-multipartite...


Escape from Responsibility: the U.S. Is Looking for a Way Out of Afghanistan

... vigilance of all parties involved in the Afghan conflict is growing. The attitude to the situation of Russia and China is particularly important. In a climate of the armed conflict between India and Pakistan, the effectiveness of the SCO is questioned. China remains committed to providing resources for the state reconstruction, as it was agreed between all parties . At the same time, Beijing is not interested in creating of “safe haven” for terrorist groups in Afghanistan because of the Uighur issue. For Russia, the problems of countering international terrorism and controlling drug trafficking are traditionally important. Ruslan Mamedov: The Inter-Afghan Talks: Transforming the Taliban The abrupt withdrawal ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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