Search: Russia,International security (322 materials)


Prepare for the Worst and Strive for the Best. Russia’s and China’s Perceptions of Developments in International Security

... International Dialogue invited Andrey Kortunov, Academic Director of the Russian International Affairs Council, and Zhao Huasheng, Professor at Fudan University and expert with the Beijing Club for International Dialogue, to discuss the problems pertaining to international security, preventing a nuclear war, the rise of a new world order and prospects for the China-Russia relations. The world security situation: pessimistic or optimistic? Andrey Kortunov: Recent international developments give few reasons to stay optimistic about global security—at least, in the nearest future. Most of the ongoing conflicts in ...


Space development: Star Wars or Star Trek?

Over the last 20 years, China and Russia promoted the idea of complete demilitarization of outer space During a recent regular press briefing in Washington, John Kirby, White House National Security Communications Advisor, expressed concerns about Russia allegedly working on new anti-satellite ...


A Monsoon Instead of a Gentle Breeze: Creeping Nuclearization in the Asia-Pacific

... Impacts Andrey Kortunov: Does the Non-Proliferation Regime Have Any Future? Official nuclear powers are threatening not only each other but also to middle powers and small states . At least three out of the five NWSs (nuclear weapon states)—China, Russia and the US—have direct stakes in the region. However, the crippled arms control system has not been trilateralized as China has refused to be included in the configuration, nodding to its incomparably smaller nuclear arsenal. Notwithstanding ...


Escalation Signaling in Ukraine and Its Implications for the Strategic Russia-US Relationship

Escalation signaling is a tremendously difficult task that allows for some flexibility but also raises the risks of further escalation The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has demonstrated an unprecedented use of missile capabilities and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) by both militaries. While Ukraine’s capabilities present a significant military-technical challenge for Russia, the fact that they ...


The International System between Crisis and Revolution

... at the turn of the century, the Arab Spring, the coronavirus pandemic – the acute phase of each of these cataclysms lasted an average of one and a half to two years. Today, the world is approaching the two-year anniversary of the conflict between Russia and the West transitioning into an acute phase, and there is no light looming at the end of the tunnel. Moreover, there are many reasons to believe that further escalation lies ahead. The same inauspicious conclusions may apply to many other systemic ...


Spokes versus Axes: Modalities of Regional Security in Northeast Asia

... and Tokyo have become the parties most affected as their ties with China are rapidly deteriorating, while joint projects with Russia are frozen for an indefinite period and their dependence on the United States is growing. Whether this policy is really ... ... actual occupation of part of their territories by the U.S. military. 1 . Buzan B., Waever O. Regions and Powers: the structure of International Security. Cambridge University Press. 2003. 564 p. 2 . Waltz K. Theory of International Politics (1979). Waveland ...


Peace Initiatives on Ukraine: The Barely Audible Rustle of Peace

... negotiations should be coupled with an analysis of the real capabilities and intentions of the parties to defend their interests under the current conditions. The Ukrainian crisis that has snowballed into an intense military-political conflict between Russia and the Western nations supporting Ukraine implies a clash of the political interests, whose significance is defined by the participants as vital and crucial, which sharply limits the likelihood of reaching any settlement. The conflict’s current ...


Experts from Russia and Pakistan discussed nuclear threat reduction measures globally and in South Asia

... Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Strategic Vision Institute (SVI) held a round table on international security issues On October 25, 2023, the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Strategic Vision Institute (SVI) held a round table on international security issues. During the round table, Russian and Pakistani experts discussed current issues related to the erosion of the international nuclear arms control regime and the modernization of the world's strategic arsenals. The event participants also touched upon security challenges in the ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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