Search: Russia's foreign policy (49 materials)


The New Balance of Power, Adequacy of Elites and Western Sanctions and Goals

GRANI Project Interview with RIAC Director General Ivan Timofeev The GRANI Project’s Oleg Yankovsky interviews special guest Ivan Timofeev, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council, PhD in Political Science. In the interview they discussed: The role of states in international relations The evolution of the world system following the end of the Cold War and its consequences The conflict in Ukraine as a manifestation of accumulated contradictions within the world system Rationality...


Russian-Chinese Relations Today: Views from Moscow

Policy Brief #51 / 2024 Policy Brief #51 / 2024 The Russian-Chinese “comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction of the new era” represent a key element of the emerging multipolar world order. Moscow and Beijing’s mutual support in the international arena, growing trade turnover in the face of sanctions, strengthening humanitarian ties, and people-to-people cooperation represent a unique example of the constructive dialogue taking place between these two truly sovereign states. Further...


A Pivot to the East and the Islamic Dimension of Russia’s Foreign Policy

Russia’s relations with the world of Islam mean a time-tested, trust-based cooperation, with the Islamic dimension always present in the national foreign policy The year of 2023 may well have been a year of further consolidation of Russia’s pivot to the East, especially in the Middle East and across the South, as well as to the Islamic world. Amid the pressure of Western sanctions, Moscow managed not only to retain its positions in the Islamic world but also to boost its bilateral ties with Muslim...


2023: Stabilisation After the Shake-Up

The main result of 2023 has been the transition to a new normal in foreign and domestic policy in Russia The main result of 2023 has been the transition to a new normal in foreign and domestic policy. In comparison, 2021 was a year of gathering clouds. At the time, an impending rupture was in the air, but to many it seemed unlikely. The reality of the thirty years since the end of the Cold War—the reality of peaceful life, openness and cooperation—had become too familiar. In relations with the...


Here's how Russia is making its biggest geopolitical shift since the time of Peter the Great, 300 years ago

The choice of St. Petersburg to host last weeks Russia-Africa summit was no accident. It was a symbolic move Last week’s Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg was a landmark event in Moscow’s foreign policy concept and practice. Not so much because it brought scores of African leaders and senior officials to the country. The first summit, four years ago in Sochi, featured even more African heads of state. Also, it is not solely because its agenda expanded beyond economics and included a humanitarian...


International and Legal Aspects of the New Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation Discussed at RIAC

On June 16, 2023, Russian International Affairs Council hosted a workshop on the implementation of the section “Law and International Relations” of the Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the discussion of the international and legal aspects of the new Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation On June 16, 2023, Russian International Affairs Council hosted a workshop on the implementation of the section “Law and International Relations” of the Concept...


Two Worlds of Russia’s Foreign Policy

The world’s power center’s journey, a half millennium later, will have come full circle. Russia is not a bystander, but part of the action, pushing for change The war in Ukraine, which to most Russians—and not just the Kremlin—is a direct, if not yet a kinetic military conflict with the American-led West, has been reshaping Russia massively from within. The economy, faced with the most severe sanctions so far imposed on any country, is not only seeking ways to go around the sanctions or substitute...


From Visits to Concepts: How Russia and the U.S. See Africa’s Place in the World

In Africa, Moscow is moving from “flexible geometry” toward agile and parallel dialogue structures, which entails nuanced and subtle work Since the early days of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, the diplomacy of the Сollective West has been striving to isolate Moscow, punishing it for resolving the conflict in Donbass. However, one cannot talk about isolation without accounting for the position of developing countries: Alongside the golden billion, there are another 7 billion people...


Russian–Chinese Dialogue: The 2022 Model

RIAC, Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of International Studies at Fudan University Report #78 / 2022 RIAC, Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of International Studies at Fudan University Report #78 / 2022 The eighth annual report by the Russian International Affairs Council, the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of International Studies at Fudan...


Discussing Russia and the World

In 2022, Russia is turning a longue-durée of more than 200 years of American expansion Russian Debate Russia has a strong intellectual tradition, and the current debate in Russia is very much alive. What is Russia? What is the future of Russia? I find the discussions in Russia encouraging. I juxtapose Russian discussions with those in the U.S., and I find Russian discussions more interesting, more open. Most U.S. discussions about the U.S. and the world are sterile and infertile—an automated echo...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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