... Japanese submarines and fired on them, killing two and sinking a boat. This became known as the Dogger Bank incident, and nearly led to war between Britain and Russia.
Mackinder’s Geopolitical Obsession and the Poisoning of Geography
Although the term “geopolitics” only came into fashion with Swedish political scientist Rudolf Kjellén (1864–1922), the founding father of geopolitical thinking is considered to be German geographer Friedrich Ratzel (1844–1904). Be that as it may, grabbing the resources ...
RIAC and Synergia Foundation Report No. 92 / 2024
RIAC and Synergia Foundation Report No. 92 / 2024
Russia — India relations represent an important venue of the emerging multipolar world order. Moscow and New Delhi share a common history, which serves as a basis for the strategic partnership. The two do not hesitate to seize the opportunities of recent years to qualitatively develop bilateral dialogue. The following report analyzes the state of affairs in major Russian-Indian spheres of practical...
Contemporary geopolitics is fueling terrorism’s further rise
Another anniversary of the tragic events in New York and Washington D.C. on September 11, 2001, leads to less than inspiring reflections on the outlook for international co-operation in the war on terrorism....
... geopolitical goals that have nothing to do with its interpretation.
The dominant schools of international relations in the United States reject realist theory and, more importantly, see it as a problem of the current state in global politics. In addition, geopolitics and its methods are called obsolete. The consensus position believes that realism is refuted, as it fails to catch the zeitgeist of the much broader and more complex world. Consequently, the interpretations, practices, motives and arguments ...
On March 26–27, 2021, 175th regular Bergedorf Round Table, organized by Körber Stiftung, was held online.
On March 26–27, 2021, 175th regular Bergedorf Round Table, organized by Körber Stiftung, was held online.
The Round Table explored the geopolitics of digital transformation, including international power rivalries in the digital realm, the threat of a digital schism as well as most promising avenues of international cooperation in the development of new technologies. The Round Table ...
On March 24, 2021, the Aspen Institute, Italy, and Chatham House, the British Royal Institute of International Affairs, co-organized the sixth annual international conference “Assessing Risks: Global Economic Recovery and Geopolitics”
On March 24, 2021, the Aspen Institute, Italy, and Chatham House, the British Royal Institute of International Affairs, co-organized the sixth annual international conference “Assessing Risks: Global Economic Recovery and Geopolitics”....
On April 27, 2020, a regular meeting of the International Business Elite Forum under the auspices of the RAND Business Leaders Forum was held online and focused on the geopolitical dynamics amid a deepening economic crisis, ongoing drop in oil prices, and a deteriorating global epidemiological situation
On April 27, 2020, a regular meeting of the International Business Elite Forum under the auspices of the RAND Business Leaders Forum was held online and focused on the geopolitical dynamics amid...
Territory and its morphology assume a key role in geopolitics
Geopolitics, as an autonomous discipline, has a very particular cultural genesis, and it is not possible to ignore the deepening of the era in which it developed. His great forefathers can be considered the first geographers who in the nineteenth ...
... Estonia might be an example to follow when it comes to the good bilateral relationship with Moscow and the future of e-Governance.
Ivan Timofeev:
The Euro-Atlantic Security Formula: The Implications of NATO-Russia Relations to the Baltic Sea Region
Geopolitics of Estonia:
Know your opponent
(The Art of War, Sun Tzu)
The territory of Estonia consists of a mainland and 1,500 islands in the Baltic Sea covering a total of 45,227 km2 with a humid continental climate and 50 meters average elevation....
... Serbia. Belgrade is seeking support from Russia — and more recently from the People’s Republic of China — to counterbalance American and European soft power in Kosovo and does not support Moscow’s views regarding Abkhazia and South-Ossetia.
Geopolitics versus International Law
The Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, signed in 1933, states: “the state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: (a) a permanent population; (b) a defined ...