Search: Donald Trump (162 materials)


Russia Is Being Used As a Meme in U.S. Politics

... isn’t reflected in the behavior of Western powers. Even though there is a very tense relationship with, say, the United States, Germany, France or even Britain, their policies don’t reflect the view that Russia is a significant threat.  Look at Donald Trump, for example, and his behavior vis-a-vis Russia. No one would treat a superpower the way he does, canceling meetings last-minute by tweet, despite the fact that the previous tweet two hours ago said exactly the opposite. This is not the way ...


New U.S. Cybersecurity Strategies

... and mechanisms for reducing cyberthreats. Unfortunately, all agreements were frozen following the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis. And they cannot be considered tenable under current conditions, as all attempts to bring them back to life have failed. Donald Trump: America First Pavel Sharikov: Information as a Factor of U.S. Smart Strategy The new Strategy is a logical continuation of the policy of recent years and is now enshrined at the doctrinal level. As we have already mentioned , it resembles ...


Back to Pershings: What the U.S. Withdrawal From the 1987 INF Treaty Means

... Nuclear Forces Treaty, or INF. It’s in line with the U.S. president’s general approach to foreign policy: he renounces agreements that he believes to be unfavorable to the United States. In this light, it’s unlikely that this recent decision by Donald Trump was conceived as a bargaining chip in negotiations with Moscow. From the political standpoint, Trump’s coup de theatre on the eve of U.S. congressional elections deals a blow to his critics, who constantly rebuke the president for appeasing ...


How Dostoevsky Helps Explain Political Struggle in America

Given the current realities, Russia is a good fit for devil’s role Fyodor Dostoyevsky is one of the most well-known Russian writers in the West. He is often quoted during discussions about the “mysterious Russian soul.” Indeed, the classical literature of any country helps readers better understand its culture. However, very few people would think about using Dostoevsky for understanding not so much Russia as the West itself. What is happening today in the United States provides a good opportunity...


Russia-US Relations: Slow Steps with Timid Zigzags

The second Putin —Trump summit should not be a repetition of the first The second full-fledged Russian-American summit meeting is postponed until 2019. It is unlikely to be held in January or February – everything will depend on the still poorly predictable dynamics of the domestic political situation in the United States. Anyway, as the presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov optimistically noted recently, even before the end of the year Trump and Putin could meet on the sidelines of various multilateral...


Looking at Tiananmen Square through the Brandenburg Gate

... Berlin–Beijing axis could become a worthy strategic response to the unprecedentedly strong and brutal U.S. pressure Which country has already suffered the greatest losses through the new U.S. strategy announced a year-and-a-half ago by President Donald Trump? Clearly not Russia, whose relations with Washington were far from perfect even under the previous U.S. administration. Nor is it Mexico or Canada: even Trump is unable to turn the tables on the United States’ relations with its closest ...


The Memes’ World Order

... sites to post the most shocking meme think of, regardless of whether or not someone truly believed in the message behind it. Various memes were spread first within the community and then bled out to other communities on other sites. Then came candidate Donald Trump. Online community perceived Trump as the ultimate troll candidate. The idea to “take him seriously, not literally” blurred the line between real policy platform and trolling. With Trump, like with the Internet itself, it was hard to ...


BRICS Summit: A Blessing in Disguise

... organization. It is time for some stock-taking. A Hero on the Stage of another Theatre It would seem that the true hero of the BRICS Summit was someone who is not even a member of the group. We are talking, of course, about President of the United States Donald Trump. Neither did he represent an invited member state either within BRICS Outreach or BRICS-plus. Indeed, he was not even physically present there. Yet it was Trump who helped transform a fairly regular and run-of-the-mill summit into a significant ...


Russia Must Show Caution Now That It Has Publicly Sided With Trump

Having publicly entered internal U.S. politics, Russia must be prepared for various unpleasant surprises. The main impression from the meeting between the Russian and U.S. presidents in Helsinki is that Vladimir Putin has apparently decided to back Donald Trump in his confrontation with most of the American political establishment. The Western media is used to presenting Putin and Trump as two peas in a pod, but in Helsinki, the two leaders really did put on a united front against the Democrats,...


Was Putin Not Generous Enough In Helsinki?

If Putin does not believe in the political future of Trump, the value of the Helsinki meeting in Putin’s eyes should have been quite limited Vladimir Putin came to Helsinki with much stronger position than Donald Trump did. The Russian leader did not have to worry about a bothersome domestic opposition, a skeptical legislature or a Special Counsel investigating an alleged US interference in the Russian elections. On top of that, Vladimir Putin has an unquestionable ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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