Search: Armenia (79 materials)


Evolution of Post-Soviet Space: Past, Present and Future: An Anthology

This publication includes 53 articles analysing the main development trends in the post-Soviet space – both the geopolitical region as a whole and the individual countries that make it up. The anthology consists of three sections: the first section is retrospective in nature and looks at the post-Soviet space 20 years after the collapse of the USSR; the second section analyses the current state of the former Soviet nations; and the third section provides a number of forecasts for the development...


Armenia Plays a Positive Role in Improving Russian-Georgian Relations

At the end of 2017 discussions on the implementation of the Russian-Georgian Agreement signed in 2011 were rather intensified. The agreement envisages the creation of alternative corridors between Russia and Georgia, which are crucial both for Armenia and the whole region. "Armedia" IAA presents an exclusive interview with the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin on the implementation of the 2011 Agreement, the Russian-Georgian relations and Armenia's possible role. At ...


Association Lite: Armenian Take on “Integration of Integrations”

Is the Yerevan–EU agreement compatible with Armenia’s commitments in its relations with the EAEU and Russia? The agreement with the EU may advance Armenia’s energy security in the power sector in the medium and long term. On November 24, 2017, Brussels will host the Eastern Partnership Summit....


The aggravation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has a pernicious effect on international stability

... conflict, end of the war in Ukraine, reduction of tensions over the nuclear deal with Iran, and Turkey's heated relations with the West. - Andrey Vadimovich, how do you assess the prospects for the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia on the fields of the UN General Assembly? - Any meeting between high representatives of these two countries is very important, since contacts, exchange of positions, comparison of viewpoints, perhaps the establishment of relations are maybe small,...


CIS in 2017: Achievements, Challenges, Prospects

It is necessary to maintain the wide multilateral format of the CIS and to introduce new effective impulses towards cooperation Yulia Nikitina: The Post-Soviet Space in 2017 The development of cooperation within the CIS is an objective necessity for all member states of the Commonwealth. Notwithstanding the intensification of integration processes in the post-Soviet space, discussions on whether the CIS has exhausted its potential are still underway. RIAC experts share their insights into the...


Armenia's Doubts on Russia Ties Prompt Pro-EU Maneuvering

On February 28, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan speaking at Carnegie Europe, a Brussels-based think-tank dubbed Armenian people 'European' due their spiritual-cultural heritage and way of life, and stressed the importance of 'shared values' in the new EU-Armenia agreement ...


The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: At the Crossroads of Foreign Policy Interests

... around Nagorno-Karabakh was one of the first of its kind in the former USSR. Over the past quarter of a century, it has transformed from an intercommunal and inter-republic conflict within a single state (the USSR) into a protracted confrontation between Armenia and Azerbaijan with the prospects for resolution being unclear [1] . Russia (the successor to the USSR) has expressed an interest in settling this confrontation, as have neighbouring Turkey and Iran, and a number of external actors, namely the ...


An Echo of the Little War in Nagorno Karabakh

That’s the puzzle we are entering the 2017 with. The Azerbaijani armed forces staged a new subversion along the Northeastern part of Armenian-Azerbaijani international border on the early morning hours of December 29 . Three Armenian soldiers are confirmed killed, while Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense spokesperson declined to comment the operation, nor published about losses — ...


The Iskanders in Armenia: Restoration of a Balance or a New Round of the Arms Race?

A military parade rehearsal is always a big deal. Yet the media’s interest in a rehearsal that took place in Yerevan on September 16, 2016 was not caused by the fact that Armenia was about to celebrate the 25th anniversary of its independence. The Russian-made Iskander missiles were spotted in the streets of Yerevan that day. Armenia’s Iskanders have remained in the crosshairs of attention of journalists and analysts ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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