Search: USA,India (61 material)


India Will Continue to Be Neutral

Recently, RIAC had the honor to host Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury , currently working as diplomatic editor with India’s top financial newspaper The Economic Times and having the experience of program director on foreign policy with Ananta Aspen Center (2012–2013). Anastasia Tolstukhina, RIAC Program Manager and Editor, took the opportunity to talk to Mr. Chaudry,...


A Little Britain’s Reach Out To The Big Indo-Pacific

... Indo-Pacific is one of the central elements in the new strategy. Clearly, the tilt has appeared under the influence of the U.S. with its initiative of building a “free and open Indo-Pacific.” British analysts believe that the vast spaces of the Indian and Pacific Oceans will play the key role in building a new world order and in forging “open societies” in the “competitive age.” The region remains the origin of transnational threats common for many states, and these threats cannot be ...


Restoration, Reformation, Revolution? Blueprints for the World Order after the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Working Paper #66, 2022 Working Paper #66, 2022 The Russian-Ukrainian conflict will lead to long-term global socio-economic and political consequences in the foreseeable future. Russian and foreign experts are currently exploring a wide range of scenarios for such transformation—from relatively positive to extremely negative. The author formulated three potentially possible options for the current world order transformation, assessing the probability and consequences of the practical implementation...


Ukrainian Crisis. Who Has the Upper Hand?

... Security Cannot be Anti-Russian The US energy sector wins. In the near future, it will receive a significant part of the European market. In addition, it will now be more convenient for the Americans to oust Russia from the world arms markets. China and India will remain major buyers, but competition for other markets will be more difficult for Moscow due to stronger US opposition. The United States has accumulated a set of internal problems. The Russian factor once again makes it possible to at least ...


Debunking Some Myths about Russia’s Military Opertion in Ukraine

... discrimination that have gone unnoticed by the tainted Western media. A considerable section of strategic and defense analysts, both in India and abroad, believe that it was not a war but limited military action, initiated to achieve some justifiable and strategic ... ... for violation of Article 2(4) should understand the circumstances that led the Kremlin to take such an extreme step. The accusation that Russia has breached the core principles of international law is unfounded and disingenuous. It should be remembered ...


Analysing the Czech Nuclear Strategy in a Changing (Nuclear) Energy World: Geopolitical Implications and Opportunities

... the Soviet Union had a need for uranium imports to develop its own nuclear sector, this presented a great opportunity for the usage of these vast deposits of uranium. On one hand, Soviet atomic experts assisted with their technical expertise, but also ... ... such a case, there is a probability that even the pro-nuclear states, such as Hungary or Poland would not back such a decision. India and China and the nuclear energy revolution Ivan Timofeev, Sabine Fischer: EU-Russia in 2030: Alternatives Scenarios India ...


Russia-India: From Rethink to Adjust to Upgrade

To make the good relationship truly great, Moscow must rethink, adjust, and upgrade its approach to India Russian-Indian relations are traditionally good. The chemistry between the leaders is excellent, and members of the public are well disposed toward each other. Economic ties have long been stalling, however, and mutual suspicions have recently ...


Why India Will Never Be Part of U.S. Alliances

... economic leverage. Once again, we would like to stress that China tends to more restrained than the U.S. in using unilateral sanctions, although this instrument is still present in China’s foreign policy toolbox as has been demonstrated by Beijing’s refusal to purchase Australian coal. It should also be noted that Moscow is forced to reckon with Washington’s significant influence in its neighboring states (Ukraine and Georgia), just as India has to take into account Beijing’s standing in the states of South Asia (Sri Lanka and Myanmar). What does this mean for Russia? The above prompts the conclusion that India will have to take careful stock of its foreign policy priorities in the ...


Towards Increasingly Complex Multipolarity: Scenario for the Future

... speaks to how they have been compelled by the circumstances to revise their grand strategic outlook. The Eurasian “Balancing” Act The arguably emerging NWO will be characterized by plenty of “balancing”, especially as regards Russian, Turkish, Indian, and Chinese grand strategies in Eurasia: Russia The Eurasian great power will seek to optimize its Afro-Eurasian “balancing” act between West and East, the former comprising the U.S./EU while the latter encompassing China vis-a-vis BRI; India ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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