... has been looking for military support from the West to take back separatist territories and does not share Western interests (e.g. Tbilisi refused to recognize Kosovo).
Moscow should also be cautious when it comes to its bilateral relationship with Serbia. Belgrade is seeking support from Russia — and more recently from the People’s Republic of China — to counterbalance American and European soft power in Kosovo and does not support Moscow’s views regarding Abkhazia and South-Ossetia.
Geopolitics ...
... Another scenario is the “Permanent Balkan Conference” led by the EU and mediated by high representatives from the U.S. and Russia. Such a decision could be enforced by changing the format of the Brussels talks, and with the consent of the Albanian and Serbian parties.
3. The third scenario is the “Permanent Balkan Conference — broad version” under the leadership of the UN Security Council. It would imply an increase in the number of Balkan negotiators and would entail a number of various territorial ...
... actually brought Belgrade and Pristina negotiations to a deadlock, simultaneously exposing the EU’s inability to act as an effective mediator of this process. What Pristina did was the introduction in November 2018 of double customs duties on goods from Serbia as well as from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the announcement of the creation of the army of Kosovo, an extremely rigid negotiation platform for further dialogue with Belgrade promoted by the government of Ramush Haradinaj.
Negotiations are
de facto
Working Paper No. 37/2018
This working paper explores the prospects, risks and positive effects of Serbia joining a Free Trade Agreement
with the EAEU. An analysis of current free trade agreements has demonstrated that Serbia strives to maintain a
multi-vector foreign economic policy that straddles Europe and Eurasia. Serbia’s agreements with its ...
... Take Kosovo a Long Time to Prove that its Statehood is Tenable
This year marks a decade since Kosovo proclaimed its independence, and that independence has by now become a hard fact. The country has been recognized by 106 UN members (according to Serbian data, or by 114 countries according to Kosovo itself), including 23 EU members (with the exception of Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Slovakia and Romania) and all its regional neighbours (with the exception of Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina; the latter ...
... Union is going through an internal existential crisis, caused by the accumulation of several problems, with Brexit being the straw that broke the camel’s back. This situation leaves the Western Balkan states who want to join the EU, particularly Serbia, who remains the most advanced in the negotiations for accession, uncertain and worried about the speed of the enlargement process. Now that the UK has decided to leave the Union and will launch the process in the upcoming months, some Serbian ...
From July 30 to August 6, 2015, Belgrade is hosting international summer school “
Geopolitics in the Emerging Multipolar Era
”, held by the Serbian Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) with participation of over 30 young foreign relations scholars, tutors and diplomats lectured by representatives of global and regional international organizations, public ...
... Britain submitted a draft resolution on Srebrenica to the UN Security Council, seeking to have the July 1995 killing of Muslim population by the Serb army commanded by Ratko Mladic qualified as genocide. Russia vetoed the resolution, a move welcomed in Serbia and the Republic Srpska and the utterly opposite response in the West, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The resultant heated wrangling seems a manifestation of Russia-West geopolitical confrontation in the Balkans – this time in the form of a ...
... unlikely to slip into another ethnic conflict, the degree of distrust and mutual intolerance among its three main subgroups (Bosnian Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats), which are the three “constituency” people, remains elevated. For instance, Serbia’s Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vucic, was attacked at the memorial ceremony in Srebrenica on July 11 2015. The crowd hurled stones at the politician, shouting “Allahu Akbar”, in an apparent manifestation of resentment against Serbia’s ...
Serbia was placed in a difficult position after member countries of the European Union imposed sanctions on Russia. The sanctions were imposed as the retribution for Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its alleged participation in Ukrainian crisis....