Search: BRICS (163 materials)


Why the West, especially Europe, needs Russia

... Euro-Atlantic area, is not possible without Russia. REUTERS/Maxim Shipenkov Joseph Dobbs: Why Russia Needs Europe Fourth, Russia’s ambition to help establish a non-Western system of international governance is evident through its activities in the BRICS forum, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, and the establishment of the (admittedly as yet ineffective) Eurasian Economic Union. Most recently Russia secured the third most voting shares in the Chinese led Asian Infrastructure and Investment ...


BRICS and DEVELOPING NATIONS – I hope we won’t be Subjugated ANYMORE

... challenges of multinationals – even in courts of other countries, namely the USA. So here we have it again – colonialism? NO it is Neo-colonialism at its finest – the NEW WORLD ORDER! However we have hope – the development of the BRICS coalition and partnership building with developing nations – the introduction of the BRICS Development Bank and the PRC’s AIIB. We are now able to fight back economically, politically and socially. We don’t have to accept the IMF,...


Is Greater Eurasia a Self-Sustaining Geoeconomic Ecosystem?

By Mathew Maavak Mathew Maavak is a doctoral researcher in Security Foresight at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Time to reorient our worldview? “Global interconnectedness” and “global governance” are the unchallenged dictums of the day. But is this Eurocentric axiom relevant anymore? This may sound rather disconcerting but the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) or Greater Eurasia – facilitated by Russian geopolitics and Chinese Silk Road initiatives –may...


Idea of Civilizations and Universities of the BRICS Member States

October 2015 saw the final major event included in the official Plan for the Russian Federation’s Presidency in BRICS in 2015–2016 — the BRICS Global University Summit (GUS) — concluded in Moscow. The forum brought together more than 300 representatives of the academic and research community of the five nations [1] . Anyway, in terms of the number ...


TPP VS Belt and Road (B&R): Who really benefits?

The tapestry of ancient Silk Routes The ancient maritime and overland Silk Routes have been revived. Its modern incarnation, driven by China’s Belt and Road Initiative (B&R), stands on the verge of connecting the Eurasian landmass, East Africa and Western Europe into a single trading matrix. Many Asian communities were defined by the ancient Silk routes. The Knanayas of the Malabar Coast, for example, were notable players in the western segment of the Maritime Silk Route. The symbol of...


BRICS countries plan no dominance in international affairs

The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have no goal of using the alliance for dominance on the international arena, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Wednesday. "We have never set and cannot set the task ...


Remnants of Bretton Woods or a New Brick in its Foundation?

New Development Bank and the Reserve Currency Pool Many observers see the establishment of the New Development Bank (NDB) and the Reserve Currency Pool as a BRICS-led challenge to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, while the emergence of new financial stabilization mechanisms and development institutions appears to augment and strengthen rather than threaten the existing monetary and credit ...


Credit Agencies And Objectivity (Or The Lack Thereof)

... ratings organisations from five countries (CPR of Portugal, CARE Rating of India, GCR of South Africa, MARC of Malaysia, and SR Rating of Brazil) merged to launch ARC Ratings, a new global agency that was supposed to become an alternative. Naturally the BRICS nations have also brought up the question of creating a joint venture that will serve as an alternative source of credit ratings. The head of VTB, one of Russia’s leading banks, Andrey Kostin spoke to the Russia News Agency TASS about the ...


BRICS New Development Bank: From Private to Public

... more, many of the countries with rapidly developing economies have now accumulated substantial reserves in their national wealth funds, which they frequently invest in developed countries, thereby strangulating financing into the national economy. The BRICS New Development Bank, which was officially launched at the July 2015 BRICS Summit in Ufa, has been tasked with resolving these issues. New Resources or New Possibilities? As was repeatedly stated in the run-up to, and immediately before, the BRICS ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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